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What Percentage of shots do you play with Side ?

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  • What Percentage of shots do you play with Side ?

    Just interested what percentage of shots you play with side ?

    Maybe state what level you are because i would imagine better players use side more than beginners

    I play maybe 20% of shots with side and i'm a decent club player only

  • #2
    I play far too many shots with side - 50-75% i would think. I would not coach this as it is a bad habit and you only really need side on a few shots. A lot of the time you can get away with not using it.
    coaching is not just for the pros


    • #3
      as few a shots as possible, if i can get position using plain ball or top, then i would use that over any shot with side

      mind you, im pretty crap anyhow


      • #4
        I guess with intentional side 10-15 % (60+ player ) but if you're not cueing too well and then of course off centre then most people will be in the 80% or higher


        • #5
          I think the problem is that a lot of people are fed false information about side by watching snooker on TV. I was watching the 2009 Masters final recently, and Willie Thorne said that Ronnie was one of only 3 or 4 people in the world who did not play every shot with a little bit of side.


          • #6
            The break-off, some safety shots, some easy pots, getting out of snookers. That's it.
            I know I'm not good enough to play more (yet?), so probably about 10%.
            Oh, and that's a bad miss.


            • #7
              One or two per frame...


              • #8
                I play maybe 1 shot a match with side and it's usually the break.

                There are occasions where I add side to create a snooker i.e. when playing a ball off the side cush 1/2 ball and widening the angle of the white to get it back to the end behind the black or baulk colours.

                I never use side on a pot as I have not yet practiced it, so I have no idea how much throw etc my cue will generate at various amounts of power.. it's just far to risky for me.
                "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
                - Linus Pauling


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by checkSide View Post
                  One or two per frame...
                  Is that it???

                  Bit ironic considering your name is checkside


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by JayCho View Post
                    Is that it???

                    Bit ironic considering your name is checkside
                    Check(ing that I don't use much)Side
                    Last edited by renniwevarb; 22 November 2010, 05:50 PM. Reason: typo error
                    John Lim

                    Targets to beat: -line up 63, 78 (Nov 2012)- -practice match 67 (Nov 2012)- -competition 33 (Oct 2011)-


                    • #11
                      Almost every shot i use side.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                        Almost every shot i use side.
                        How do you aim?! I mean, seriously. I was just practicing with side on the pool table downstairs and I eventually figured out how much side, with how much power, made how much difference in aim/angle.. but if you change the amount of side, or power doesn't it affect the aim?
                        "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
                        - Linus Pauling


                        • #13
                          i don't really know i have just always done it.


                          • #14
                            i go through stages all depending on how well im cueing..

                            if im confident id say i play around 45% of shots with side...especially in around the black spot if im the wrong side of the red and want to stay on the black, i use a bit of side to keep the white in the black area and turn the red over into the pocket..

                            i also use side in the obvious times like if i can only see 3/4's of a ball or something and feel i can pot it with side...

                            i use side on saftey shots mainly and the break off..

                            if im not cueing too good, i try to stick to centre line striking until i cue better...

                            if i can pot a ball plain ball and regain position on another red/colour then i will do that, i only use side where particularly necessary, to maximise my potential of a high break...
                            what a frustrating, yet addictive game this is....


                            • #15
                              This is a bit of a "how longs a piece of string" question. You should only use side when necessary is the crux of the matter. If you're playing well and getting prime position then you can avoid using side for many many shots. If, however, you are out of position or need side to get into perfect position then the use of side is the correct choice, and avoiding it the incorrect one.
                              I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.

