The 'hammer' grip is advocated by most coaches. Hold the cue out in front of you in the VERTICAL position just the same as you would hold a hammer (I forgot to mention the vertical in my first post).
You will find, just the same as using a hammer, the butt of the cue is being held with the fingers but the telling point is the butt will also be against the BACK of the palm and it's EXACTLY this position and hold on the butt you want at the ADDRESS POSITION.
When the cue goes back during feathering or on the backswing the back of the palm comes off the butt of the cue and then comes back onto it as you get back to the address position again whether feathering or during the instant of stiking the cueball.
To have an automatic wrist cock a player will hold the cue on the middle pads of the 4 fingers with only the forefinger and thumb exerting pressure. Also the main knuckles of the hand should be parallel with the butt of the cue or even a bit above it.
Looking at Steve Davis from the 80's he had a pronounced wrist cock, however looking at Stephen Hendry during the 90's reveals he had almost no wrist cock, just a very slight angle between back of the palm and wrist.
As my coaching theory is to keep everything as simple as possible I advocate the butt of the cue should be directly under or perhaps a little outside the long straight forearm bone, which is really the driving lever for the cue and doesn't it make sense to have a straight and vertical line straight down the forearm bone and through the middle of the butt?
The 'hammer' grip is advocated by most coaches. Hold the cue out in front of you in the VERTICAL position just the same as you would hold a hammer (I forgot to mention the vertical in my first post).
You will find, just the same as using a hammer, the butt of the cue is being held with the fingers but the telling point is the butt will also be against the BACK of the palm and it's EXACTLY this position and hold on the butt you want at the ADDRESS POSITION.
When the cue goes back during feathering or on the backswing the back of the palm comes off the butt of the cue and then comes back onto it as you get back to the address position again whether feathering or during the instant of stiking the cueball.
To have an automatic wrist cock a player will hold the cue on the middle pads of the 4 fingers with only the forefinger and thumb exerting pressure. Also the main knuckles of the hand should be parallel with the butt of the cue or even a bit above it.
Looking at Steve Davis from the 80's he had a pronounced wrist cock, however looking at Stephen Hendry during the 90's reveals he had almost no wrist cock, just a very slight angle between back of the palm and wrist.
As my coaching theory is to keep everything as simple as possible I advocate the butt of the cue should be directly under or perhaps a little outside the long straight forearm bone, which is really the driving lever for the cue and doesn't it make sense to have a straight and vertical line straight down the forearm bone and through the middle of the butt?