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  • beginner

    stand back,line shot up,walk onto shot,practice shot 3 times,pause on the last pull back,push trough. is this right?

    how far should my bridge hand be from cue ball?

    when i am in my stance cueing ware should the cue ball be,i have been playing with the cue ball down my centre line,but was reading that inline with my right right handed.

    any help apprecated

  • #2
    Originally Posted by jwhizz420 View Post
    stand back,line shot up,walk onto shot,practice shot 3 times,pause on the last pull back,push trough. is this right?
    Got the first bit right, some changes to the last bits..

    The practice shot AKA feather the ball, can be 2 or 3 times typically. Some people feather more, some less, I think you feather until you feel 'ready' to make the shot. Take Marco Fu, he feathers 0 times.. if he feathers a little it's when he's nervous about the shot.

    Then.. pause at the front, pull back slowly, pause at the back, push through. The pull back should start slow, get a little faster (not much), then slow down before stopping, like a car does (unless you jammed on the brakes - never do that). The push through is the same, except it does not decelerate just keeps accelerating till it hits your chest.

    Originally Posted by jwhizz420 View Post
    how far should my bridge hand be from cue ball?
    9 - 12 inches.

    Originally Posted by jwhizz420 View Post
    when i am in my stance cueing ware should the cue ball be,i have been playing with the cue ball down my centre line,but was reading that inline with my right right handed.
    Your right foot should be on the line of aim, which is the line the cue ball must travel down to hit the object ball in the correct place. Your foot does not need to be pointing down the line of aim, though some people prefer this. As long as some part of your right foot is on the line, i.e. toe, middle, heel, it can point anywhere up to 45 degrees outside the line of aim.

    Your grip hand, and bridge hand should be on this line, this should place your grip hand above your right foot where it sits on the line of aim. This should place your cue exactly on the line of aim. As you get down on the shot you should bring your chest and chin down to the cue, without moving the cue from the line of aim.

    Your head should come straight down onto the cue/shot, and typically the cue touches the middle of your chin. Some people prefer to have the cue under one eye or the other, or somewhere in between. Each person is different and you'll need to experiment to see what 'looks' right. Your cue should look centered and on line with both eyes open. Each eye by itself will see the cue slightly off the side, unless positioned directly over the cue - which is not recommended unless you only have one eye - both eyes take part in aiming.

    If you want to shift the eyes left or right, don't move the head but just turn it slightly. This has the same effect, but allows you to keep the cue in the center of the chin - preventing you adding unnecessary left/right force on the cue action with the chin.

    For some more details on getting down on the shot see:
    (comment #10)
    "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
    - Linus Pauling


    • #3
      Just to prevent a further question.

      The cueball should be 9-12" from the 'V' of your bridge when in the address position with the tip of the cue no more that 1/4" from the cueball.

      I recommend having the laces of the right foot on the line of aim, however nrage is correct and some people will line up with the toes on the line of aim (more) and some with the heel on the line (less).

      Remember, COMFORT is the primary rule in the snooker set-up. Make certain you do not introduce strain.

      Terry Davidson
      IBSF Master Coach & Examiner

