I've been playing for 5/6 years now, and I seem to struggle to find a technique to stick with, I always seem to find problems or what I perceive to be problems in my game. I used to get down on a shot (looking at the whiteball), then when delivering the cue looking at the whiteball aswell. Then I discover that I should be looking at the whiteball, pause then the objectball. I then discovered that when I get down to cue I should be looking at the objectball. I've tried doing this recently and it's a nightmare.
When I get down (looking at the objectball) I then look at the whiteball and the tip is not close to the whiteball, sometimes it's half a foot away!! When I got down originally (looking at the cueball) I knew where the tip was cause I was looking at it's target. This is really causing a problem for my game!! Help!! Do I stick with looking at the objectball when getting down, or revert to my original procedure??
When I get down (looking at the objectball) I then look at the whiteball and the tip is not close to the whiteball, sometimes it's half a foot away!! When I got down originally (looking at the cueball) I knew where the tip was cause I was looking at it's target. This is really causing a problem for my game!! Help!! Do I stick with looking at the objectball when getting down, or revert to my original procedure??