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Strategies for noisy clubs or rude opponents

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  • Strategies for noisy clubs or rude opponents

    Snooker is a game of high skill and precision. At it's highest professional level, any outside noise or unprofessional conduct is kept out of the match. It's done this way because professionals know that the best snooker is played when nothing breaks your focus and concentration.

    In clubs or local tournaments, however, how do you overcome the environment, rude players that talk when you shoot, opponent interruptions or noise, opponents that get in the way, or just generally unsportsmanlike conduct?

    Here are a few strategies you might try:

    1. If your opponent gets in your way once, let it go. If it happens again, be straightforward and ask for them to stay out of your shot, and away from the table. If they don't comply, end the match and pay the green fees. You are there to have a good time, become a better snooker player, not get into arguments or deal with frustrations. If you are gambling, you face an additional problem. See next point.

    2. If you gamble with opponents, and it's someone you haven't played with, ask for an outside neutral observer that won't tolerate inappropriate behaviour - from you or the opponent. Often, it's the house pro or senior player that will step in when needed. Don't gamble in new clubs where you haven't learned the "lay of the land" yet. Get to know regulars first and respect the unwritten rules. You are asking for trouble stepping into a new club on your own and gambling. At the very least, the loser will be watching to break/steal your cue (yes I have seen this happen).

    3. If your opponent is generally chatty, tries to use negative comments when you miss or tries to throw you off your game - just ignore them and don't get into conversation. If they persist, tell them to talk with someone else and to play the game with respect. Not respecting the game is the same as not respecting you. Some people are just ignorant and don't understand what it takes to play snooker at a high level. Most, however, know exactly what they are doing and take great delight in finding ways to throw you off your game. The rationalize poor behaviour by saying that all options are on the table in order to win.

    4. If your opponent has friends that gather around the table and create noise, ask your opponent to deal with their friends or end the match prematurely. Remember, you are there to have a good time, play your best, maybe make a big break, and if the skills are superior, win the match.

    5. Noisy clubs are rarely in your control. If you don't like the club, the music, or the management, find a new one. If you have no alternative options (my problem here), then wear headphones (I have seen this in tournaments before) or earplugs. You can try and take your concerns to the club manager, but unless you have a basis for your complaint, you aren't going to get very far.

    6. Work on your shot making and table approach so that it's mechanical, predictable and consistent. If you approach the table, feather, and strike in the same structured way, it becomes a routine you can use to maintain focus. I have seen this work for me. I'm so focused on alignment, feathering, shot making, lining up, and shot execution that I'm less prone to off table remarks and noise.

    7. Watch the cue ball. This tip a friend gave to me to maintain focus and concentration. When you aren't at the table, focus on the cue ball of the opponent. Watch what they do, not what they say. Doing this helps you remain calm when you see your opponent getting ahead in the frame or approaching the winning line.

    8. If you leave the table after missing a shot, pause momentarily to determine why you missed. Put that shot into a mental filing cabinet for something you need to work on in practice or watch out for it happens again. I know that certain cuts and shots are harder for me and so when they come up, I can focus more on making them.

    9. Watch the scores and play by the numbers. The more focus and concentration you can give to non-human inputs like your cueing, your tip, the chalk, your shoelaces, the balls, the cloth, the points, the number of ice cubes in your drink - the less likely you are going to be disturbed by people and environments.

    10. Invent a cueing/feathering routine unique to your game or adopt one from the pros (See Selby, Higgins, Murphy for ideas). It's something you do each and every time and if you do it long enough, it becomes a way for your brain to ignore input signals (from your ears) that aren't important and spend energy on ones that are (your cue action).

    Thoughts? Comments? Would love to hear them!

    Thanks for reading!!
    Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
    My Snooker Blog:

  • #2
    Good post mate.

    Can I add that dealing with distractions is something that every player comes across, but it's important to view the environment, and the occasion, for what it is.

    Too many 'gentlemen' players enjoy 'perfect' scenarios, where the area is quiet, and the only sound is that of the already growing atmosphere causing your heart to beat faster.

    However this can be drawing weakness into your game, and what is worse, you are teaching your attention, and focus, to be at their most effective during these circumstances, when ideally, we should be focusing on the opposite, and I'll try and explain.

    Snooker players are already incredibly vulnerable, to psychological distractions and obstacles.

    Being able to find the zone, regardless of the surroundings, is key. By finding ways to discover what it takes to enter the zone, we can take ourselves there much easier. One example would be to look for your touch, as an initial goal when starting a practise, or indeed match, as opposed to simply looking to get 'your eye in' which folks refer to as potting.

    Snooker is not a governing body when social activities take place, such as drinking, smoking, chatting, laughing, clapping ... (I can go on), are concerned, and therefore in any club we enter, even if the only occupants are other snooker players, we are not guaranteed silence, or anything resembling silence, and nor, can we demand, or expect it.

    Only when you become good at a game, do you start to view the game in a slightly different light, and just like golfers on the tee are afforded respect by other golfers, so we come to expect that from our fellow snooker players.

    To summarize, 95% of players, and public alike are not aware of, nor give a damn about, your need for concentration, and to a degree, who can blame them?

    We're all paying the same money, so why should our needs as snooker players take precedance, over their needs, for perhaps, music, or gaiety (ADR147 made me do it ).

    So, my advice to you guys who want it, is that you should learn to play your game under the worst conditions imaginable, and become immune to distraction and noise pollution.

    Otherwise you will 'always' create conflict, and fight an ongoing battle in order to concentrate. Other people have a right to live their life without having to tip toe around snooker players, so if you want peace and quiet, go hire a room where noone else is allowed in.

    I sometimes practise in a sports club, and on a Saturday, there are several football teams, and several rugby teams, and lots of drinkers at the bar who like to watch tv at full blast. Snooker players tend not to drink much, and occasionally put 20p in the light .... between them .... and think they have the right to tell others to be quiet.

    Sure, you could always get your own back by running across the rugby pitch in the middle of the match, or standing at the side of the pitch with your friend at the other side, and wave flags at each other and blow whistles. Snooker cues can be painful when worn, so I suggest you think twice.

    Honestly, stop .... now.

    Get used to playing when it's noisy. Bollox to silence. If you restrict your focus and concentration to moments of silence you are doomed.

    Find a way of dealing with it when you are frustrated. Personally I sing to myself. It doesn't make me any better, but it does help.


    • #3
      Excellent response. Thanks FF! Singing while playing. What's your song? Mine is the theme song from Top Gun - Danger Zone. I'm Goose
      Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
      My Snooker Blog:


      • #4


        • #5
          the one i will add is dont bother going to a rileys.


          • #6
            Great posts guys! Thanks for advice


            • #7
              I'll call my squad and whack those people annoying my games. Kidding
              It's in the Shaft


              • #8
                Recently I had a chat with #1 pool player in our country during our national championships tournament. He told me that as far as distraction goes, there's nothing like playing a top Filipino player in front of their crowd. He says that if you are not a superstar player they will openly laugh at your mistakes, cheer out loud when you snooker yourself, etc...ouch! That's tough!
                And I thought I had to deal with tough conditions during tournament play!


                • #9


                  • #10
                    No thats too restrained caz, try this one


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        I usually walk up very close to them and they soon lower their volume... dont know why
                        Easy on the garlic....


                        • #13
                          Great advice!

                          I have a friend who always tend to make silly noise when I'm potting the final black...
                          Now I know how to deal with him

