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Turned into a pratt

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  • #16
    sorry for the repeated post.


    • #17
      Went to see one of my boys play football today and walked the dog, it's funny how the simple things in life can give so much pleasure.


      • #18
        I do a lot of work with similar issues, i use a mixture of different tools to work through and to show you what is going on, its much easier to take in when you can see in front of you in black and white what is causing the problem.
        one simple thing to try is to just sit down and jot down what you think you need to change to improve how you play further, this could include practice, lifestyle changes and changes in attitude that you think a player may need to make to perform well.
        Compare this list to how you see yourself at the moment and how you feel others may see you. Without taking to much effort at all this will give you an idea of where you can improve, some of the things will start happening right away when you realise them other things may take a bit more work to change.

        You already seem to know how the negative thinking impacts on your game such as when someone gets some luck so you need to look at replacing this thoughts with something more positive that helps you rather than hinders.

        Ive got a site at www.mattandrewsmentoring that may give you some ideas and if you think i can help give me a call.
        Last edited by Sport Focus; 17 April 2011, 12:15 PM.


        • #19
          Thanks for the reply theres some good advice there. I will certainly think of making a list.


          • #20
            Originally Posted by cazmac1 View Post
            I been thinking about it a lot since posting and I think it's mylife style in general and it's just showing up in my snooker. I don't thing I've been doing the right things lately and until I get my life in some kind of order and get my piorities right IE: family first, I don't think I'll be able to enjoy anything. I've stoped smoking and will be joining the gym at the end of this month, so these things should help.
            Sorry for being a drag but I find the forum a good way to get things of my chest and there are a lot of ppl who care and are happy to offer good advice.
            I hear you one that one Caz, def. When I played years ago ( @ 1995 ), I made a movie with a good snooker m8 of mine. We played a few frames and what was really telling when I watched the movie back, wasn't my cueing, or technique etc etc but THE WAY I conducted myself around the table. I was a total pr*ck. The comments I made when I missed a shot, scoffing if my m8 had a bit of run. I watch it back now and then just to re-enforce to me NOT to be like that again. I had come off the tour a year earlier and played once a week, for like 3-4hrs. Surprisingly I still managed to play to a reasonable standard, but the way I conducted myself around the table was a joke m8. WTF did I think I was???

            Nowadays, I'm guilty of hardly playing at all LOL. I recently joined a local Conservative Club ( after debating doing so for 14 months! ) as I only ever played when I went away to visit my family. Fortunately I'm hitting the ball sweet, but when I was there last Wednesday, potting away ( a couple of ppl on the next table kept glancing over, they hadn't seen me before ), when I missed I didn't say a word. No cursing, or tutting. I missed. Everyone misses. Myself more than I used to because I don't practise enough. MY fault, no-one elses.

            I digress. Didn't mean to hijack your thread, just can relate so much to what you're thinking. But what has already been said before... we're not in Afghanistan, haven't been declared bankrupt [yet!], have a good job. The people I love are in good health. It goes a long way towards how you conduct yourself. It's just a game of snooker, even if you ARE tight on the cushion in a match for the last black to make a maximum.

            Just enjoy it m8. Saw your vids with Del, you hit the ball alright and you know it. Take it for what it is, a pleasurable pastime. Good luck with your TW! Maybe when I get mine, I might really start playing again... haha.


            • #21
              Originally Posted by Inoffthered View Post
              I hear you one that one Caz, def. When I played years ago ( @ 1995 ), I made a movie with a good snooker m8 of mine. We played a few frames and what was really telling when I watched the movie back, wasn't my cueing, or technique etc etc but THE WAY I conducted myself around the table. I was a total pr*ck. The comments I made when I missed a shot, scoffing if my m8 had a bit of run. I watch it back now and then just to re-enforce to me NOT to be like that again. I had come off the tour a year earlier and played once a week, for like 3-4hrs. Surprisingly I still managed to play to a reasonable standard, but the way I conducted myself around the table was a joke m8. WTF did I think I was???

              Nowadays, I'm guilty of hardly playing at all LOL. I recently joined a local Conservative Club ( after debating doing so for 14 months! ) as I only ever played when I went away to visit my family. Fortunately I'm hitting the ball sweet, but when I was there last Wednesday, potting away ( a couple of ppl on the next table kept glancing over, they hadn't seen me before ), when I missed I didn't say a word. No cursing, or tutting. I missed. Everyone misses. Myself more than I used to because I don't practise enough. MY fault, no-one elses.

              I digress. Didn't mean to hijack your thread, just can relate so much to what you're thinking. But what has already been said before... we're not in Afghanistan, haven't been declared bankrupt [yet!], have a good job. The people I love are in good health. It goes a long way towards how you conduct yourself. It's just a game of snooker, even if you ARE tight on the cushion in a match for the last black to make a maximum.

              Just enjoy it m8. Saw your vids with Del, you hit the ball alright and you know it. Take it for what it is, a pleasurable pastime. Good luck with your TW! Maybe when I get mine, I might really start playing again... haha.

              Great post inoff, I don't think I realised how bad I had become until something had been said down the club, my first reaction was to pull the person up and confront them. But after a started to think about it more and more I could see there point, even though I think he when about it in the wrong way, he has done me a favour in a lot of ways and has open my eyes. I think I can take a negative here and turn it into a positive.
              Del hill talks about dummies, maybe I should get one for real, at least I wouldn’t be able to take myself seriously playing with a dummy in my mouth, don't know what the guys down the club would think
              I think do enjoy the game but it may not seem like that to someone watching me play, what I do can't be much fun for my opponent.
              I will set out my stool before playing now and make an effort to make no remarks at all what ever happens.
              Last edited by cazmac1; 17 April 2011, 07:07 PM. Reason: bad english


              • #22
                I have the exactly same problem Caz but your snooker is at a higher standard than mine as i am only able to make breaks of like 20 and with a high break of 34 but people tell me when im playing i get stressed so easily when i have missed a shot and they tell me to calm down and enjoy the game more and you will get better with practise but i know exactly what your saying it is so hard to not get annoyed when on a decent break or getting fluked but everyone's advice is right we just need to calm down and just give that little more concentration in to enjoying the game and the form will come.


                • #23
                  I agree, I don't see how anyone can get into the zone by focusing on negatives all the time, it has to be counter productive.


                  • #24
                    Terry just made a comment about day. I think this part off the game is as importent as practising potting balls and I just haven't given any time or thought to it until now.
                    Last edited by cazmac1; 17 April 2011, 07:14 PM. Reason: spelling


                    • #25
                      Well i hope me and you can overcome our problems buddy im just hopefully going to try and enjoy the game more and hopefully my form will come with it


                      • #26
                        its a huge part of the game which is just as important as practice, many of the things that you look at take practice to change also. its something that you have to work at and keep working at as your changing a few habits that may have been there for a while
                        It sounds like Dell has given you some great tips and coaching that you need to practice to make the best use of, its just the same with working on the mental side of the game.
                        Its about keeping it all simple to, the worse thing to do is over complicate it all and study every thing to much.
                        When you have time cazmac do that list, a list of how you are now as a player and person and a list of how you think you need to be to be a good player and compare the two. You may not know why but you may find that things seem a little different after doing it.


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by cazmac1 View Post
                          Went to see one of my boys play football today and walked the dog, it's funny how the simple things in life can give so much pleasure.
                          This is a good book to check out...

                          £7.79 on Amazon, but for some reason they don't have it as released yet.. I need to go pick up a copy while I'm at it :P


                          • #28
                            Try to find the love for the game and enjoy it. I know sometimes after a lot of practise I build up expectations and I shouldnt and then I need a good 2 or 3 week break to build up my love, passion and hunger for the game again.


                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by Inoffthered View Post
                              This is a good book to check out...

                              £7.79 on Amazon, but for some reason they don't have it as released yet.. I need to go pick up a copy while I'm at it :P
                              I hope your not implying I am a chimp. lol.


                              • #30
                                I'm definitly going to make the list. I think simply by cutting out all the moaning, huffin and puffin when ever I feel like I've had a bad run of the ball or my opponent gets a fluke. My game should improve and I should start to enjoy the game again. I also have to take into account that I'm having with drawels from nicotine, as I stopped smoking. starting the gym should helps aswell.

