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Getting tip closer to cueball...

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  • Getting tip closer to cueball...

    Anyone got any tips/ideas on getting the tip closer too the cueball in the address position.

    Terry showed me a technique too try whilst practicing (touching the cueball softly 3 times before striking) but just wondering if anyone got any other ideas i could try too consistently get my tip closer...

    Never realised i was cueing sooooo far away from the cue ball, couldn't believe it was that far away when pointed out too me, always thought i was getting quite close to the cueball at

    Last edited by cally; 23 April 2011, 11:17 AM.

  • #2
    One thing you need to do is make sure your tip is as close to the white when you get down on the shot and not simply to get down on the shot with your tip far away from the white and then move your tip really close to the white.


    • #3
      Yeah apparently sometimes im about 2 inches away .......
      I have tried moving my bridge hand closer to the white, but after all these years of doing it wrong, its just too hard to change and just feels so wrong


      • #4
        Originally Posted by Gerry Armstrong View Post
        One thing you need to do is make sure your tip is as close to the white when you get down on the shot and not simply to get down on the shot with your tip far away from the white and then move your tip really close to the white.
        Thanks gerry, i'll have to check if i'm doing that next time i practice...


        • #5
          Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
          Yeah apparently sometimes im about 2 inches away .......

          Don't think i'm quite 2 inches away

          You must be throwing your cue at the white at times eh bud...


          • #6
            Originally Posted by cally View Post
            ....You must be throwing your cue at the white at times eh bud...
            Isn't that what your supposed to do..................... lol
            In and around the black i now do tend to close up the bridge hand considerably, and probably am a lot closer to the white, all in attempt to keep speed under control, but its a very conscious effort which i slip out of now and again


            • #7
              Yip, it's so easy to revert back too old habits in it...

              I need to get down and practice getting it but it's hard to nail as i need to adjust loads on the shot too get it right and make sure i'm where i want to be.

              Need to suss how to get it without needing to check and fidget about at address.

              I guess this is why players have tape on butts of their cues sometimes, and/or mark the shaft with a pencil or similar, so they consistently get a certain distance from the CB and get into a consistent position. Is it?
              Last edited by cally; 23 April 2011, 11:48 AM.


              • #8
                Just been having a nosey at caz's video's when he went to see dell hill, dell explains to caz just what i was looking for perfectly.

                (What gerry said really but explained better by dell

                I will be putting dell's advice to caz into practice in my game and try to get into the habit of aiming more consistently and getting down onto the shot with my tip closer to the CB, much better method than tapping the white with the cue softly in practice IMO,(never fancied this from the off, hence me asking for a few ideas) Has i have to push my cue forward to 'find' the white after i get down onto the shot, surely this will throw my alignment out if i get into the habit of that,(in my back arm etc) ( i know it's only meant to be done a couple of times in practice to get the feel like, but just adds a little extra 'work' to my game that will be much more difficult too incorporate into my natural game doing it this way, and take a whole lot longer to get used to how 'close' i am to the CB, plus it would mean that i would still be aiming as i was before but just pushing the cue forward after i get down and still be missing out the all important part of the 'aim' technique if i do it this way, as i have obviously been doing so for years, missing that all important 'aim' on way down to address. just seems a pointless exercise doing it that way really. dell's method seems much better and easier from the outset and seems a much more natural way of aiming and checking how close to the CB you are as your moving into position, when i think about it now it seems obvious that i should have been doing this and it's been missing from my game for years. dell explained it nice and simples in the vid and it all makes sense to me

                Never realised i was'nt taking the care and aiming the cue properly to the CB as i'm getting down, even though i do take care too find the centre of the white, i had no idea i was lined up so far away from the CB, I have to make sure to take extra care on where i'm placing myself/cue in on way down to shot in future... sounds easy

                However, i still hit through CB nice and straight, No trouble at all using the 360 pro action trainer cue without breaking the spring, i'm sure i will improve lot's once i sort this and that little niggle out.

                It' all coming together now, finding these little niggles here and there that are holding me back from that tonne, ironing them out slowly but surely...

                That tonne won't be long now, it's coming, i can feel it.......

                I must thank terry for pointing a few little niggles out in my game when i went to see him at SWSA on thursday, not much wrong with my technique really, i was quite surprised how good i actually am....LMAO...

                Terry was quite shocked i'm not a century player and i ain't made a few tonnes yet...D'oh!...

                Three Points terry pointed out in my technique i need to work on too improve consistency and my way forward too that magical tonne, are...

                1...Getting the tip closer to the CB at address...
                2...Strengthening my bridge 'thumb'...
                3...Pulling cue back slower on power shots ( i'm pulling the cue back super fast on power shots and losing accuracy) ok on other shots but i think my brain tells me the faster i pull back the harder i will hit on power shots, i

                And i need too practice more.
                Apart from that there was nothing else really wrong with my technique/ball striking/cueing etc...

                Definately worth going to see a coach to have a looksy, I now have a very good idea how to go forward with my game, instead of just guessing why i'm missing and why i'm inconsistent in my potting etc, and then trying too change this and that without even knowing what's what, now i know what's what with my game and i can progress from here on with a better knowledge of my game/technique...
                Just have too practice and enforce a few things into my game and i should improve and be a lot more consistant (eventually)...happy daze....
                Last edited by cally; 24 April 2011, 12:32 PM.

