God I hate this stupid game!
Those people who watch but never play the game have no idea what a luxury it is to be in that position!
I just cannot stand playing way, way, way below par, day after day after day!
I know all that malarkey about, just shrug it off and good form will return blah blah blah, but how long do you have to wait?
I lost 7-2 to a guy who, honestly, is a fair bit better than me, but it is not the results that stick in the mind, it is the form you showed. Honestly, it was pathetic!
The last five weeks I have been abysmal. I cannot seem to pot, play position or play safe (other than that, everything is fine!). About three weeks ago I made an excellent 67 which had an outside chance of becoming a ton, but the last red and yellow were awkward so I didn't beat myself up about that. But I thought, "Goodie, this bad patch is at an end and I can actually play this game." But that, as I say, was three weeks ago and I am getting a bit impatient. I was ill all last week so you can knock a week off the length of this misery, but... Aaarrrgghh!
Thank you for listening. I just wanted to get it off my chest!
Those people who watch but never play the game have no idea what a luxury it is to be in that position!
I just cannot stand playing way, way, way below par, day after day after day!
I know all that malarkey about, just shrug it off and good form will return blah blah blah, but how long do you have to wait?
I lost 7-2 to a guy who, honestly, is a fair bit better than me, but it is not the results that stick in the mind, it is the form you showed. Honestly, it was pathetic!
The last five weeks I have been abysmal. I cannot seem to pot, play position or play safe (other than that, everything is fine!). About three weeks ago I made an excellent 67 which had an outside chance of becoming a ton, but the last red and yellow were awkward so I didn't beat myself up about that. But I thought, "Goodie, this bad patch is at an end and I can actually play this game." But that, as I say, was three weeks ago and I am getting a bit impatient. I was ill all last week so you can knock a week off the length of this misery, but... Aaarrrgghh!
Thank you for listening. I just wanted to get it off my chest!