Well I played marvellously on Monday and last night. Knocking them all in and feeling so much happier about being round a snooker table! (Which, of course, is half the battle and a vicious circle – the crapper you play the more annoyed you get, and the more annoyed you get the crapper you play!)
We have just had three of our tables re-clothed and the one I played on yesterday has been transformed from a horrible table with big but deceptive, inconsistent pockets to one which runs extremely nicely and is a pleasure to play on – especially, of course, if you're playing well!
We have just had three of our tables re-clothed and the one I played on yesterday has been transformed from a horrible table with big but deceptive, inconsistent pockets to one which runs extremely nicely and is a pleasure to play on – especially, of course, if you're playing well!