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Wrist action with a slimmer cue.

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  • Wrist action with a slimmer cue.

    Hi all,

    Returned to using my JP 'slim' lately and I've noticed that on my backswing there seems to be more wrist action and flex than when I was using a thicker, 28mm butt.

    Would a slim butt ( or too slim a cue ) cause you to lose grip and bring the cue offline? I'm still hitting the ball sweet, it's just that I've noticed it when going back to using a 25mm butt cue. ( i know this is too slim, it took me long enough to realise! ).

    As has been pointed out on this forum before, 28mm is usually the slimmest anyone should really go. Have only gone back to using this cue as the shaft is slimmer and more comfortable than the other cue I was experimenting with. The shaft on the 28mm cue was just too thick and felt as if it was resting on top of my bridge, rather than running through it.

    I've mailed this cue to Trevor so he can wield his magic onto it. Fingers crossed.

    Anyone else have a similar experience? Thanks to all in advance.

  • #2
    Hi in off, I think with a slimmer butt you have to adopt SH style grip with no cock to the wrist. I've found that the del Hill drive with the cocked wrist don't work for me with a slim but thats just me.


    • #3
      I,ve had major problems in the past with my wrist turning in which got so bad that i gave the game up for years .

      Since starting back i,ve focussed on this and tried to resolve it with some good advice from fellow members .

      I,ve tried loads of cues lately with slightly different size butts and i found that my wrist stays straighter when i hold the cue badge down which i dont normally do but because my mast cue has better grain on the bottom this is how i use it .

      It,s also a thick butt , i would say about 30mm .


      • #4
        Cheers Caz, Hotpot.

        The TW will be a totally round butt, so holding the badge down ( with a chamfer ) isn't an option for me. I would also find it difficult to adapt to a SH grip.

        Looks like I'll have to put up with a slimmer butt until my TW arrives. Just wanted to ask the forum and from your ansas I think I'm on the right track. Thanks for the feedback, def. helps. Good to know I'm not going crazy ( just yet ). Haha.

