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Newbie wondering about short-term goals

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  • Newbie wondering about short-term goals


    Want to set some goals for the summer, and would need some advice from the experienced players here

    Just started playing snooker. Been playing 2 hours a week for 4months, but now I've joined a local club, and plays about 4 hours a week, with more concentration and focus on getting better.

    My high break at this moment is 20 (six balls), but I'm happy when I get a three ball break. I'm poor at positional play (but giant steps just in a couple of hours of practise) but I would say that my long potting is pretty good considering time played (don't have a clue about what's normal, though. Potted approx 1/3 of long pots in a 4hour match yesterday.) Missing alot on the so-called easy balls.

    What would be a reasonable goal for me during this summer?

    Making a 30 break before 1.august? 40 break?
    Doing 20 breaks every session (4 hours)?

    It would be extremely motivating to have a good and well adjusted goal to pursue :-)

    And by the way, I don't have anyone to teach me alot since I'm in Norway.

    Cheers, and thanks for any replies

  • #2
    Try setting your goals using the following:-


    S - specific, significant, stretching
    M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
    A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
    R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
    T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable

    For example to make 5 30+ breaks by August 1st would be a good target. I want to get better at breakbuilding as soon as possible is a bad target (not time based, not specific).

    You can do this with other aspects of your game that you wish to improve to give you a goal.

    Hope this helps a little.
    coaching is not just for the pros


    • #3
      Try setting your goals using the following:-


      S - specific, significant, stretching
      M - measurable, meaningful, motivational
      A - agreed upon, attainable, achievable, acceptable, action-oriented
      R - realistic, relevant, reasonable, rewarding, results-oriented
      T - time-based, timely, tangible, trackable

      For example to make 5 30+ breaks by August 1st would be a good target. I want to get better at breakbuilding as soon as possible is a bad target (not time based, not specific).

      You can do this with other aspects of your game that you wish to improve to give you a goal.

      Hope this helps a little.
      coaching is not just for the pros


      • #4
        Thanks for the tip, it sounds SMART

        I will try to get 5 30+ breaks, and also have some other goals related to other aspects. :-)


        • #5
          Originally Posted by asbjorng View Post
          Thanks for the tip, it sounds SMART

          I will try to get 5 30+ breaks, and also have some other goals related to other aspects. :-)
          I think, instead of saying 5 30+ breaks, say 5 breaks involving 6+ balls (adjust number of balls as required) as I think the number of balls you pot and make position on, is more important than the score when you're trying to measure progress.

          More ideas for specific targets.

          1. Set up a blue to the middle. White 1/2 way between blue and cushion. Pot 10/10.
          2. As above, white 6 inches from cushion. Pot 10/10.
          3. Long blue, white 1/2 way between blue and baulk line. Pot 7/10.
          4. As above, white on baulk line. Pot 7/10.

          This game:

          Try it a couple of times, then pick a number of shots and try to make it in under that in 7/10 games.

          A good drill for control/position:

          Something else I do in practice is take white and 1 red, place them anywhere on the table and attempt to play safe. The key is to plan the shot i.e. where does the white go, where does the red go. Then, look at the result and decide whether you would take a pot on from that. If yes, take the pot on. If no, count that as 1 successful safety and play another. Set a target of 5 in a row, or 10 in a row. It's a good drill as it encourages the planning, and execution of safety, plus decision making on choosing to take on a long pot, plus hopefully gives you some idea of the long pots you can make and how likely they are.
          "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
          - Linus Pauling


          • #6
            big thanks to you, nrage! Excited on taking up practising to accomplish these goals!!

