As long as the cue doesn't fly out of your hand then the grip isn't too loose. The idea of having a grip as loose as possible is to prevent the player from tightening the grip too early in the delivery. Tightening the grip should not happen until the cue is well through the cueball and ideally when the grip hand hits the chest.
The grip should only be tight enough to control the cue but WITHOUT exerting any pressure on the butt hardly at all and the pressure should only be applied by the upper part of the forefinger and thumb.
Also, there should be no 'air gap' between the butt of the cue and the web of skin between the thumb and forefinger.
If you meet all of these tests then your grip is not too loose.
One other thing, you are the very first person I've come across who believes he can get more power with a tighter grip. Normally I get students whose grip is too tight and when I loosen it off and force them to use a loose grip they get much more spin on the cueball because they are accelerating through the cuball.
If you can grip the cue tighter than most people and still DRIVE the cue through the cueball and have the cue still accelerating well after hitting the cueball then more power to you.
As long as the cue doesn't fly out of your hand then the grip isn't too loose. The idea of having a grip as loose as possible is to prevent the player from tightening the grip too early in the delivery. Tightening the grip should not happen until the cue is well through the cueball and ideally when the grip hand hits the chest.
The grip should only be tight enough to control the cue but WITHOUT exerting any pressure on the butt hardly at all and the pressure should only be applied by the upper part of the forefinger and thumb.
Also, there should be no 'air gap' between the butt of the cue and the web of skin between the thumb and forefinger.
If you meet all of these tests then your grip is not too loose.
One other thing, you are the very first person I've come across who believes he can get more power with a tighter grip. Normally I get students whose grip is too tight and when I loosen it off and force them to use a loose grip they get much more spin on the cueball because they are accelerating through the cuball.
If you can grip the cue tighter than most people and still DRIVE the cue through the cueball and have the cue still accelerating well after hitting the cueball then more power to you.