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Pace of play

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  • Pace of play

    Just out of curiosity, I was wondering how you line your shots up?? I usally stand behind the cue ball so it's aligned with the centre of the object ball. From that position, I then visualize a line from the pocket to the the object ball, then walk behind the cueball so it's lined up with the spot on the object ball that I'm aiming for. Is this correct?? I've seen players on tv just walk straight to the line of aim without lining up their shots, then get down and play. Am I overcomplicating the game??

  • #2
    You are doing exactly the correct thing. If you happen to be a pro then you can do it quicker and it looks sometimes like they're not doing it but let me assure you they are, just very quickly.

    For a good example watch Higgins approach the shot. He almost does a little dance it looks like but he gets on the line of aim when standing behind the shot and then drops his head straight down on the line of aim. I think trying to emulate the best match player there's ever been (Steve Davis' opinion, but I agree) is a good thing to do

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #3
      Pace of play relates to the speed the frame progresses, and how long each player is taking to play his shot. What you have described is how a player sights his shots etc. This can affect the pace of play, but I have seen players get straight down to play a shot, but be ridiculously over cueing (taking a lot longer than they need to) when feathering up to the cueball. Whilst if they got down and played the shot quickly, the "pace of play" would be a lot more appropriate.
      If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!


      • #4
        Funny, I was actually working on the complexities of sighting, walking line etc. Something incredibly important to know is that what you see when you stand, should be what you see when are down (Terry is that correct?). If it's not, it's because something in your "walk in and get down" is broken or because your cueing arm isn't following the line of aim (even though your head may). Your head needs to fall down naturally into the line you think the cue ball should go irrespective of all other factors. Terry am I off on this too?

        Personally, I think standing behind the object ball (full ball) isn't as useful as standing behind the ghost ball (the line the cue ball actually needs to take). That is definitely more important. Standing behind a full ball contact on all shots doesn't really serve you well and perhaps even prevents you from being in line properly on some shots (any that aren't full ball at least).

        The pros look natural because they have come up with a table approach that works for them and walk into the line of the cue ball in a natural way. Experience has given them the advantage of always knowing where the cue ball needs to go across the object ball and so you don't see them visualizing a line but it's definitely there in their head.

        Mathew Stevens is one player that actually will go behind the object ball and look through it into the pocket. That's his method and a good way to stand in the right place behind the cue ball. Hendry cocks his head to the right to compensate for a walk in that I think might be kinked and broken from day one (but I think Hendry knows this and stuck with it cause it worked). Barry Hawkins turns his entire body but yet his head always goes through dead straight. Higgins does a little cue hand dance and shift. Stephen Maguire does an "I'm going to kill you" routine but approaches the table the same way every single time. In nearly every player, you will always see that their head goes all the way through straight and their cue hand is behind in a direct line. Some get their shoulder and elbow in line too but it's not always the case (just look at the aweful cueing of Jamie Cope but it works for him cause he times the strike point well).

        Mainstream thinking is that :snooker:

        1. your cueing arm shoulder should be behind your head
        2. your elbow should be behind your head
        3. your cueing hand should be behind your head
        3. your feet and legs should be configured so that the above 2 items come into pure alignment (which usually means for most people that one leg is bent, and the other is straight)

        The theory above is based on Physics and optimal ball striking methodologies. Years of experience and history have taught mainstream players that to get the best and most accurate cue ball striking, the above should be followed.

        In summary: stand behind the intended path of the cue ball because that's what you need to "see" after you strike.

        Terry knows a heck of a lot more about this than me but that's my two bits.
        Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
        My Snooker Blog:


        • #5

          You have it right. If a student can start out with having the right foot, right elbow and right shoulder behind the head and on the line of aim AND (more importantly) he doesn't have any upper body movement on the backswing and delivery then he will improve a lot more rapidly that someone who is misaligned like perhaps Jamie Cope or even Mark Williams.

          The 'pre-shot routine' as Nic Barrow calls it is very important as you get a better visualization of the required path of the cueball at strike when you're standing up over the shot. Then the important thing is to drop the head straight down on that line with no sideways movement which will ruin your pre-determined line of aim.

          What I do is a slight modification in that I stand behind the line of aim with one foot on either side of that line. I form my final grip here and also think about what power/spin I'm going to use to get my intended position. Then I place the right foot on the line of aim of the cue and then place my left foot but rather than leaning over to the right to maintain the line of aim with my head I let the movement of my left foot take my head off-line and then WHILE STILL STANDING UP bend my left leg and move the hips over to the left which swings my head back onto the line of aim. Once I am there and feel I'm correct then I drop straight down with my eyes on the object ball and place my bridge hand on the table and don't look at the cueball (mostly) until I am actually down behind the cueball (this changes I notice if the cueball is on the cushion for some reason).

          Terry Davidson
          IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


          • #6
            Thanks so much Terry. I'm happy to see that my self-taught knowledge was going in the right direction. Can't wait to come out and see you in UK or back east one day and spend some quality time on mechanics.
            Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
            My Snooker Blog:

