OK so there is a concern that keeps bugging me. I would appreciate any suggestions, advice from you guys. I am sure Terry would also participate and let me know through his experience what could be done.
One can never overlook the importance of a proper tip that should be not too hard not too soft. I would prefer something like that as I really cant play with hard ones. Anyway, my tip these days seem pretty old and sort of used. I have a bad problem that sometimes if I am not playing well I unintentionally try to sand it thinking that perhaps the dome shae is not there perfectly or maybe its out of axis from one side and end up sanding it small and then decreasing its life. Like last night I wasn't able to play properly and also did play three miscued shots. Now I normally never mis cue no matter if I am playing a screw deep screw power shot or side spin swerve etc whatever. Yes I am good at that really and my tendency for miscuing could be like once in 1000 shots or even beyond. So mis cueing last night three times in 6 frames means something. Is it an indication that I need to change the tip? Or would that have to do something with the dome shape and should I sand it?
My tip right now is half or roughly less than half the height it used to be when it was new. So...
One can never overlook the importance of a proper tip that should be not too hard not too soft. I would prefer something like that as I really cant play with hard ones. Anyway, my tip these days seem pretty old and sort of used. I have a bad problem that sometimes if I am not playing well I unintentionally try to sand it thinking that perhaps the dome shae is not there perfectly or maybe its out of axis from one side and end up sanding it small and then decreasing its life. Like last night I wasn't able to play properly and also did play three miscued shots. Now I normally never mis cue no matter if I am playing a screw deep screw power shot or side spin swerve etc whatever. Yes I am good at that really and my tendency for miscuing could be like once in 1000 shots or even beyond. So mis cueing last night three times in 6 frames means something. Is it an indication that I need to change the tip? Or would that have to do something with the dome shape and should I sand it?
My tip right now is half or roughly less than half the height it used to be when it was new. So...