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cue action n stun shot

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by willtyson View Post
    [ATTACH=CONFIG]9008[/ATTACH] This cue ball shows the Hs sorry if the pictures a bit small! :snooker:
    The pic is only small if you don't click on it
    Good pic btw


    • #17
      Originally Posted by hotpot View Post
      Does it matter or bother you where the info comes from , i,m cetainly not bothered whether its nrage,s own info or whether he read it elsewhere or if it first , second or third hand , what,s important is its right .
      Willtyson gets it, unfortunately I shall have to put you and golliwog down with nrage as having no sense of humour.
      BTW it doesn't matter if it's right or not. Do you really need all that info in your head when you're about to play a stun shot or do you need to know that striking the white in a certain place at a certain speed will impart no spin to the cue ball on impact with the object ball. Also nrage I don't hate you, it's more like pity really, pity you have to inflate your own ego all the time with second hand knowledge, most of which is entirely uneccessary, as your high break proves.
      I'm not having a go at nrage simply because his skin is a certain colour, and I don't find your avatar the least offensive, but I would think that forum members who are not caucasian most probably would. For that I blame the moderators for not removing it the moment it was posted. You have been having little digs at me ever since I highlighted your racist post, ain't gonna work m8. Two of the b*st*rds who knifed poor Stephen Lawrence got a taste of justice this week, hope the screws send them in the showers with the black inmates and put the soap on the floor, stand back, film the outcome on their moblie phones and post it on youtube. If they do I will download a still frame and use it as my avatar just for you.


      • #18
        I,ve got a wicked sense of humour , its just the bickering gets a bit laborious after a while you see muck .


        • #19
          Getting back to the post...I've always been told to hit the cueball just below centre, no side if I want to stun. Not too far below centre however as this will then become a screw shot. There's a brilliant guy on YouTube who posts coaching videos up entitled Snooker Pro Tips. Would highly recommend checking them out. I've been playing for a year, at most once every couple of months when I've got the time and I've gone from struggling to string two balls together to regularly making breaks of 16+ and whilst that's not exactly impressive, it allows me to enjoy a knock about with my dad or my best mate every once in a while=) It has improved my pool game immensely however. Hope all this helps=)


          • #20
            Originally Posted by hotpot View Post
            I,ve got a wicked sense of humour , its just the bickering gets a bit laborious after a while you see muck .
            It's sad really, he doesn't seem to understand me, or my motivation at all. Not surprising really as he knows nothing about me, except that which is publicly available on this forum.
            "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
            - Linus Pauling


            • #21
              Thanks for the useful information Terry!

              Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post

              It's something from the Nic Barrow school. It's pretty easy, the 'H' stands for Height and H1 would be deep screw and H10 would be maximum top spin. It rises around 8mm (almost a small tip width or so) with each number so H5 is exact centre ball.

              There's also P1 to P10 for Power and each player would have a different scale on this one as P10 would be the maximum power a player can use and still hit the ball accurately. To scale it you need to shoot the spots with maximum power and see how many table lengths you get. If you get 5 table lengths then each number is a half-table length, P1 would be brown to pink spot, P2 off the top cushion and back to the pink spot, and it goes like that although it's only approximate as a lot of players will get 5 table lengths but the cueball will be outside the yellow or green spots on the 4th leg so they are hitting it at P12 or something like that and their P10 should be less power.

              There's also R1 to R5 and L1 to L5 for Right and Left side. So for a coach he can tell the student to play a shot H6/P4/R3. The one thing to remember is you cannot get R5 or L5 once you are past H7 or so because of the curve of the cueball from it's waistline.



              • #22
                I presume your using same weighted balls and not a different cue ball, some clubs have what I call Micky Mouse balls that instead of stunning it will screw back and although your doing the shot correctly it won't react like it's supposed to do and it's throwing you off
                Just a thought since I didn't notice anyone posting this


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by Gerry Armstrong View Post
                  You can cue above centre on the cue ball and still play a stun shot i.e. above centre, centre and below centre can all result in stun shots.
                  That's a very good point you've made there, Gerry. When I first started playing snooker, I thought there was only one way to play a stun shot, or any shot for that matter... It took me quite a while to understand how the stun effect can be controlled across a variety of shots. Being rather dense, it took me much longer to be able to play it with some consistency.

                  @Calvinlim - Maybe you can try setting up a few simple shots during practice to familiarise yourself with the stun angles. There isn't really much mystery to it; observe the reaction off the cue ball and lots of practice to make it consistent.
                  When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by damienlch View Post
                    That's a very good point you've made there, Gerry. When I first started playing snooker, I thought there was only one way to play a stun shot, or any shot for that matter... It took me quite a while to understand how the stun effect can be controlled across a variety of shots. Being rather dense, it took me much longer to be able to play it with some consistency.
                    That's why I think understanding the physics of it, is important. Sure, you can ignore the physics and just learn to generate the desired effects via trial and error - but when something 'odd' happens you're left wondering why and have no way to understand/explain what you've just seen.

                    I had a moment like that last weekend, I was playing safe off a red which was 1-2 inches away, I played with top expecting it to come off at the normal rolling cue ball angle, only to find it came off at the stun angle. What I'd forgotten is that, playing with the power I did, the white had no time to start rolling before contact, so was sliding, so stunned off the red. It took me 1/2 a sec of to think "what?" .. "duh of course"

                    Originally Posted by damienlch View Post
                    @Calvinlim - Maybe you can try setting up a few simple shots during practice to familiarise yourself with the stun angles. There isn't really much mystery to it; observe the reaction off the cue ball and lots of practice to make it consistent.
                    Practice makes perfect as they say. The more you play, and the more you experiment with it, the more it will come naturally and the less often you'll have moments like I did above
                    "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
                    - Linus Pauling


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by nrage View Post
                      ...Practice makes perfect as they say. The more you play, and the more you experiment with it, the more it will come naturally and the less often you'll have moments like I did above
                      Yes, and I think many of us here are striving to achieve that perfection, even if only for a sweet moment...
                      When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by damienlch View Post
                        Yes, and I think many of us here are striving to achieve that perfection, even if only for a sweet moment...
                        This one comment sums up snooker perfectly.


                        • #27
                          yup have been practising for few days still Cant manage to get the stun shot.. its always screw back.. eventhough i hit on d middle...


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by calvinlim View Post
                            its always screw back.. eventhough i hit on d middle...
                            Like I said above cheap light balls or white I guess


                            • #29

                              You cannot possibly be hitting the cueball in the middle if you are still getting screw. You are either hitting the cueball below centre (and not realizing it) or else have the angle of the cue too steep (butt high in the air) and striking the middle but at a downward angle.

                              The cue should be no more than one chalk height off the cushion during the backswing and delivery. A lot of players (too many) either start out with the butt of the cue high or else raise it on the backswing. The cue should be kept on the same plane throughout.

                              Unfortunately, until you get to the poin t where you hit the cueball at the height you intend to you will have a very hard time learning to stun the cueball effectively since the height of the tip on the cueball depends on two factors, the first being the distance between the balls and second being the amount of power used.

                              The only way a player can learn to stun effectively in all situations (once he learns to hit the cueball as intended) is to practice various types of stun shots with the balls at various distances. Your first effort should be to practice potting a long blue using a 'stop shot' which is a stun shot where the cueball moves less than one inch after striking the blue. Then move the object ball closer to the top pocket in 1ft increments and try the same stop shot.

                              The start moving the object ball towards the cueball from the blue spot in 6inch increments and try the stop shot with the different distances and also vary the power, but for each series of shots be sure to have the cueball and object ball in the same position for every shot.

                              Finally, try pots that are just off straight. With a perfect stun shot the cueball should move at a 90degree angle to the line of the pot and this is called 'the perfect stun angle' and is the basis for learning how to get precise position.

                              Terry Davidson
                              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                              • #30
                                Hi Terry,

                                I wanted to ask if you ever attempt a pot aiming at L5 or R5 or whether these points are more common for playing safety shots.


