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frustrated..... arm right behind the head.. help

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  • frustrated..... arm right behind the head.. help

    i went to a snooker room with mirror...
    i rotate the hip.. twist the waist.. bring in the shoulder……
    adjust my leg in many direction distant...
    lean forward backward..

    tried many way i could've think of... look at the mirror.. still cant manage to do it....

    why is that?? please help!!! really appreciate for any advice

  • #2
    Don't worry a lot about it as although it is considered 'ideal' set-up there are many players who don't have the elbow directly behind the head and over the cue. Higgins and Williams for two examples.

    However, elbow placement is controlled by the grip for the most part and a little bit by the shoulder alignment. Your grip hand thumb should be pointed directly at the ground and in a vertical position when you are in the address position. Check that this is so and then check that you have your bridge arm armpit down as low as it can go and your grip arm shoulder up as high as it will go and hopefully behind the head so it is hidden from view in the mirrow

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #3
      thanks a lot terry i would never know the grip is the part influence the elbow most... i might keep twisting the leg till it tie and have no progress... will definitely try out next time...
      here comes another question if u dont mind... i read a lot about point the thumb into floor from u and other pros in this forum... but should the thumb point to the floor with open grip, ie both index finger and thumb point to the floor, or
      should the thumb point to the floor while it touch the index finger like the normal close grip??? i think everyone's thumb have different angel when touching the fore finger


      • #4
        I enjoy your coaching tips Terry. "Your grip arm thumb should be pointed directly at the ground" I have been trying a new grip after years of having the wrist cocked I am finding if the forearm wrist grip hand are all aligned I pot more balls but I lack more cue power than usual??.
        I put it down to confidence but I'm determined to persevere with it.


        • #5
          I enjoy your coaching tips Terry. "Your grip arm thumb should be pointed directly at the ground" I have been trying a new grip after years of having the wrist cocked I am finding if the forearm wrist grip hand are all aligned I pot more balls but I lack more cue power than usual??.
          I put it down to confidence but I'm determined to persevere with it.


          • #6

            When I advocate the thumb in the vertical position and pointed directly towards the floor this is a method where the player will automatically end up with the correct wrist cock and have the cue directly underneath the straight forearm bone or perhaps a little to the outside of it rather than on the inside.

            The thumb should not be curled at all and should be just touching the forefinger and in the ideal grip the forefinger is holding the butt just like the other 3 fingers. However, there are some players (Ronnie and now Steve Davis) who keep the forefinger right off the butt and of course the original and most famous player with this grip was Alex Higgins who did have his forefinger also pointed straight down to the floor.

            The choice is yours and use whatever you are most comfortable with and which gives you the most confidence but whatever grip you use remember to drive through the cueball as if it wasn't there (accelerate THROUGH the cueball) and stay absolutely still on the shot

            Terry Davidson
            IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


            • #7
              Thanks for the invaluable comment terry!!!
              I can feel the elbow align more to the head with your tip even in bare hand!!!
              I definitely played inside the forearm bone which cause my frustration

              Passion back!!!!
              Cant wait to hit some balls with the new grip
              Really appreciate your coaching tips in this forum... seriously, those tips are my bedtime reading everyday




              • #8
                Thanks for the invaluable comment terry!!!
                I can feel the elbow align more to the head with your tip even in bare hand!!!
                I definitely played inside the forearm bone which cause my frustration

                Passion back!!!!
                Cant wait to hit some balls with the new grip
                Really appreciate your coaching tips in this forum... seriously, those tips are my bedtime reading everyday



