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Drills for practicing potting angles?

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  • Drills for practicing potting angles?

    Hey guys,

    Been playing quite a bit recently and really looking to improve. My main problem is probably getting the correct potting angles. Often enough I would get the angle woefully wrong, with the ball going no where near the pocket.
    Are there any particular drills that could help me with this, or is it just a matter of practicing potting a lot? I have a feeling it may be a concentration problem at times too; what should i be focusing on, cue ball or object ball?

    Thanks for the help,


  • #2
    You should focus on the object ball last . I dont think there is any magic potion that will help you with potting angles , you just have to practice them over and over until your brain memorises them . A lot of the time a player can pick the right angle but cant make the pot because of technical issues , that can anything from walking into thhe shot off line or wonky stance , poor bridge , head movement or moving on shot , etc etc .


    • #3
      Thanks mate. Was hoping there would be a magic potion as it's very frustrating at times... but this is a frustrating game to learn! haha. I think one thing I need to realise is that I need to focus 100% on every shot. I think I'm missing some easy ones because I'm thinking to myself this is an easy pot so I don't concentrate as much.


      • #4
        all i did was line ups.... forces you to roll shots in to the pocket and not worry to much on positionin as ur nearly always gonna be on a pot. that way you can focus on potting. otherwise spend 15 mins at time just potting blues off spot, then pinks etc. but try potting from where white finishes from previous pot

        ps... hotpot.... cant pm you..... but im up ponty all this week if you want few frames


        • #5
          Ok muck , what time you be there .


          • #6
            im there from monday til a week tueaday (valentines) so give me a text and we can arrange summut for this week


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Belloz22 View Post
              im there from monday til a week tueaday (valentines) so give me a text and we can arrange summut for this week
              My phone is knackered , waiting for one to come , i,ve deleted some messages so you should be able to pm me .


              • #8
                its more a prob wid snooker forum app on my phone.... freezes if i pm ..... il try get online to check. thurs or fri nxt week is gd for me

