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How to correct being too far over the shot?

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  • How to correct being too far over the shot?

    Hello everyone,

    I feel i am all over my bridge arm and feel like i am stretching and my body feels too far forward, i have tried bending my bridge arm more but still feels the same.

    Any advice from anyone please?



  • #2
    just play about with stance distance from table, arm straight, bit bent, just find where you are comfy,if you are stretching you would think to far from table, but then you would not be all over your bridge, check bridge hand as well to close to far from cue ball


    • #3
      I have tried different stances and still the same, my bridge is 12" from tip and right hand gripping cue right at the end with thumb and 3 fingers,


      • #4
        My cue length is 57"


        • #5
          what kind of stance do you have, square on, one foot bit in front of other


          • #6
            I have a Boxer stance


            • #7

              OK, square the stance off a bit and also shorten the distance between the 'V' of your bridge and the back to the cueball to between 10" and 11". Then you should be able to keep the bridge arm fairly straight.

              Also make sure the foot on your straight leg is directly under the grip hand when in the address position. Some players tend to get that foot behind the cue and feel they are too far away from the shot.

              Terry Davidson
              IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


              • #8
                Ok Terry,

                I will try that thanks. Another quick one is that i think i am hitting the center of the white but on tests on the table i am putting

                a touch of right hand side on the cue ball. For the past two weeks i have been playing most of my shots striking the cue ball low

                except when i need to follow through and i use soft screw shots for position at different strengths and i have noticed a great

                improvement in my potting more noticeable on my long potting. I am reading old books from past masters on English Billiards and in

                one it mentions hitting the cue ball low when long potting, also the books have taught me a great deal to help me in Snooker and my

                Billiards game and the effect side has when playing with and against the nap also how Drag shots retain side. I would suggest any

                cue sports player to invest some time in reading books on English Billiards from past masters.


                player to


                • #9

                  One of your statements concerns me a bit. It's the 'except when I need to follow through'. You should follow through on EVERY shot and ALWAYS drive the grip hand through to the chest and it doesn't matter how much power you're using or at what height you are hitting the cueball. Stun, screw, deep screw and top spin with or without side should always be the same as far as folow through is concerned

                  Remember to keep the grip hand relaxed until the time of striking the cueball, ensuring you don't tighten the grip before you hit the cueball and you should naturally drive the grip through to the chest as if the cueball were a bubble and although there is resistance when you hit the cueball you should continue to accelerate the cue after striking the cueball.

                  To do otherwise will introduce shoulder/head movement and cause you to miss on long pots especially.

                  Terry Davidson
                  IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                  • #10
                    Sorry what i meant was putting Top on the cue ball. i do follow through on every shot as you know you cant expect to any good

                    at Snooker or Billiards whitout doing so.



                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by Dannyboy View Post
                      Another quick one is that i think i am hitting the center of the white but on tests on the table i am putting a touch of right hand side on the cue ball.
                      IMO that could be 2 things:
                      1) Your sighting is out of line (that was the case with me some time ago). Alter your stance, and the position of your head, until you SEE you are aiming at the center of the cueball ans also ARE hitting at the center (ask someone to verify that, when you're standing in address position)
                      2) You're not delivering the cue in a straight line...



                      • #12
                        We went to snooker club yesterday and i got him to watch me take some shots, anyway cut a long story short as my cue was arcing on the backswing my cue was arching out to the right when cue was in contact with my chest so i played with cue off my chest and he said my cue was now coming back straight. 10 times up and down the spots and the cue ball came back over them in a straight line 9/10 and the one that never only had a slighest bit of side so i am very happy now.

