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practice same shot 100 times (~50 different shots) - is it good?

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  • practice same shot 100 times (~50 different shots) - is it good?

    practice same shot 100 times (~50 different shots) - is it good?

  • #2
    hi . depend of the shot , if it's a very tought shot and you got a low success pourcentage it can become frustrating , boring
    and pointless as it much more a attrition than practice . 100 time in a row is too much i think .


    • #3
      Originally Posted by v1lius View Post
      practice same shot 100 times (~50 different shots) - is it good?
      Hi... Are you trying to learn that shot or do you know how to play it already but want to make it consistent?

      What type of shot are you referring to?
      When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


      • #4
        Originally Posted by v1lius View Post
        practice same shot 100 times (~50 different shots) - is it good?
        One thing to remember practice makes permanent ! if you practice the shot or skill wrong you are making wrong technique a permanent part of your game, between every practice of potting eg six reds from pink spot to left hand top pocket I return to the old faithful of playing over the spots to check my cue action, then a further 6 reds to right hand top pocket once again returning to playing over the spots, I carry out the same routine throughout all my potting practice checking and re-checking that no un-wanted side is creeping in and my cueing is as perfect as I CAN GET IT !!!!!!


        • #5
          If you feel you are delivering the cue pretty consistently (and hopefully straight) then it would be much more productive to attempt to pots as many blacks as you can off the spot without moving the cueball (so plat the shot from where it lies) and then once you get a little bored with that move to the pink and try and pot as many of those as you can using 4 pockets and then a real good one is play the blue off the spot using any of the 6 pockets and see how many you can make without missing.

          Only practice the same shot 10 times and no more or set a limit of 5 minutes or something and it should be a shot you have difficulty with.

          Terry Davidson
          IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


          • #6

            blacks I did before this question (can make 70-100)
            you say 10 times and not more. why not 100? if i like to sleep when i practice


            try to learn and then polish up (maybe this is answer: 1. i need 20 balls to learn 2. 80 balls to polish up)
            what you think about it?

            (I mean shot as from brown to blue or from red to black two cusions etc.. (OB and CB all 100 times in same position))


            • #7
              Originally Posted by v1lius View Post

              try to learn and then polish up (maybe this is answer: 1. i need 20 balls to learn 2. 80 balls to polish up)
              what you think about it?

              (I mean shot as from brown to blue or from red to black two cusions etc.. (OB and CB all 100 times in same position))
              I see... sounds more like you already have the shot but trying to be consistent... I thought you might be trying to learn a specific type of shot, for e.g. learning to screw back to baulk from the blue spot. Then, playing it 100 or 1,000 times may not be helpful at all if you kept on employing the same technique that doesn't work in the first place.

              If you already know the shot and want to make it consistent, then by all means play it repetitively until you feel comfortable with it. But if you are starting to feel fatigue and losing your focus, then I think it's counter-productive to keep at it. Better to take a break or do different shots then come back to it later, or even another day when you are fresher.

              Just sharing my thoughts on the matter... hope you find it helpful...
              When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                If you feel you are delivering the cue pretty consistently (and hopefully straight) then it would be much more productive to attempt to pots as many blacks as you can off the spot without moving the cueball (so plat the shot from where it lies) and then once you get a little bored with that move to the pink and try and pot as many of those as you can using 4 pockets and then a real good one is play the blue off the spot using any of the 6 pockets and see how many you can make without missing.

                Only practice the same shot 10 times and no more or set a limit of 5 minutes or something and it should be a shot you have difficulty with.

                never met terry but he seems really wise and helpfull , every thing he said in previous posts here was more than helpfull so , v1lius you should consider trying what he said concerning number of attempts

