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Unintentional side on the cueball... how to avoid?

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  • #16

    Even the pros who use a long backswing most of the time will use a shorter backswing on very low power shots. I myself use both but mostly use the Terry Griffiths method as I started out playing with a short backswing (no coaches around then). I use a long backswing normally on long shots where I require medium pace or above however I wouldn't use it on a tick-off safety shot to get back to baulk because the shot is pretty low power.

    Most of the pros use a longer backswing normally HOWEVER the great disadvantage for use amateurs in using a long backswing is the first rule of technique is the backswing MUST be ABSOLUTELY straight and I've found I have to really concentrate when using a long backswing to keep it absilutely straight which is a difficult thing to do.

    My recommendation for you would be to go with whatever you feel comfortable with on that particular shot. What I've found when doing the line-up for instance is trying to use a long backswing all the time ends up with me applying too much screw or top spin on a shot and thus missing position and generally ending up too close to the cushion.

    The most difficult part of using a long backswing is learning to control the rate of acceleration whereas using a different length of backswing means the rate of acceleration would be similar for every shot. You have to choose what you think you can best control but for me it's usually using the different lengths of backswing and trying to keep the rate of acceleration the same with the possible exception of those extreme power shots.

    Again, I believe you are getting too far down into the details of the technique and should try to develop your own natural style as long as you keep delivering the cue consistently straight. Stance, grip, length of backswing, eye rhythm, amount of wrist cock and a host of other things should be developed by each player naturally and not copied from one of the pros

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #17
      Coach: Thanks once again for your detailed response. Means a lot really- every time. Well you are very very right on this for me. I also get to face this problem with the longer backswing i.e. controling the acceleration. You are right I ahve also noticed that the amount of screw one needs with this method is rather difficult to attain given that the acceleration is changed for the power so achieving consistency with this method remains very very difficult.

      However, I have developed breaks of 40-45 recently with this technique and yes missed due ot the same reason after 45 like not getting a position due to misjudgement of acceleration and getting a bad position. But when playing properly I also noticed that if you can control the acceleration and play with longer backswing the position improves greatly. I am still not sure what to do but I will do some solo with both methods and try to figure out what would suit me.

      I will practice on these two methods and select the one that suits me better. Cant use both like you as that confuses me on shots; anad yes you are right the longer backswing has to do with observing Ron my bad sorry wont do that (copying pros).

      OK two things here Coach:

      1. I do not want to get in to the detials of wrist cock but please do let me know that all that I need to care with that is thumb pointing vertically down to the floor right? If that is correct I will not think about wrist cock...! Let me know please.

      2. Most important: Coach I have developed this feeling (I maybe wrong, so please do correct me) that when using a longer backswing the reaction I get on the cueball feels to me as if I have COMPLETED the shot, if you can see what I mean. Whereas with the other method it feels if I have clinched or have not completed the shot. Why is that so? and what should I do; we know completing the shot means a good proper nice full follow through or driving through the cueball so why is that happening. The feel of the shot I get with longer backswing is like completing the shot where not with the Griffiths methhod. Please guide

      Thanking you in anticipation.
      Last edited by Sidd; 28 February 2012, 07:16 PM.
      "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd

