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Low deflection snooker cue

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  • #16
    These cues will only help those players who put unintentional side on the ball and miss pots
    ...And even that is not always true...
    It's only like that when playing a shot with power. If you play calmly, let's say with unintentional left hand side, the cue ball will throw less to the right but the same left hand side will be on it, so the cue ball will end up even more to the left with a low deflection cue (if you understand my explanation...)

    I have played with an Acuerate, an now am playing with my '90s "Hunt & O'Byrne" again, so I can compare.
    Indeed, the Acuerate has less throw, but as I said is harder to play with for gentle shots. It's easier to miss "silly balls" (gentle shots around the black spot) when you're not 100% concentrated and not hitting the cue ball 100% in the centre.

    A word of advice: if you learned how to play with side with a "normal" cue, stay away from the low deflection cues. You will have to adjust too much (you'll always have to when playing with a new cue, but not as much).

    Greetings from a sunny Belgium ;-)


    • #17
      From my limited understanding, low deflection shafts can reduce the initial cue ball squirt as the cue ball comes off the tip but once the tip leaves the cue ball it can no longer do anything to stop the cue ball from curving toward the object ball. Off center strike will cause the cue ball to rotate along an axis that is not horizontal to the table which can cause the cue ball to move in a curve. When the cue ball is striked without much power this rotational effect can cause the cue ball to curve more than expected and hit the "wrong" side of the object ball.

      Greetings from a sunny Canada.
      Last edited by poolqjunkie; 12 March 2012, 09:25 AM.


      • #18
        Yes poolqjunkie, that's what I tried to explain in my own words :-)
        With a low deflection cue, that effect will be more present.



        • #19
          I know what you are saying.
          It is my understanding that Luca plays with an Acuerate so does Wendy Jan, is that right? Being in Belgium you probably have seen them play. May be you can talk to them about this problem because I think you can get used to it.


          • #20
            Hi Poolqjunkie,

            Since I have 2 little kids, I only have time to play in league matches in province of Brabant these days.
            Luca Brecel and Wendy Jans are both from province of Limburg, so I only see them play on tv or internet and don't knwo them in person.
            From what I hear, Luca does play with an Acuerate.
            What I do know: ex-pro Steve Lemmens plays with an Acuerate nowadays and makes centuries with it.

            I'm sure you can get used to it. I played with my Acuerate for almost 2 years, but still found it hard to play some particular shots, like a rail shot with running side, or when you're straight on the black and have to play a deep screw with side...
            (as long as I stayed away from these shots, I was doing OK with it so now it's my spare cue)

            One day in the off-season last year, I played with my old Hunt & O'Byrne and made these kind of shots immediately, so I gave it a make-over (it was in a very bad state then) and stuck with it since then...


            • #21
              I know some people do not like to use the Predator Z shaft for US pool because of something similiar to what you have described. I know some people hate that shaft and some people love it.
              I personally do not use any low deflection shaft but I also do not find my own shaft deflecting that much anyway.
              If a H&O works for you then stick with it and enjoy your game. :-)


              • #22
                Some marketing info re low deflection shafts here -


                Click on the demo


                • #23
                  I have a question, though it does not relate to a cue per se, but it does relate to low deflections.

                  When my boyfriend got his MW, with the MW tip fitted on, he found it very difficult to adjust to, as he claimed that the angles are very true and with very little deflection. Since I read so much on TSF, we immediately assumed the reason is due to the cue, but then he switched to a normal Elkmaster and has gotten what he call as a more normal reaction with the cue ball.

                  I've not been able to understand precisely what the actual problem is, is it true then that a tip can also cause different deflections to the ball? (Unless I'm completely confused). Maybe someone here can help/hazard a guess?


                  • #24
                    my understanding is the softer the tip the more deflection you will get ie the striking of the ball sinks more into a softer tip than hard one prob be proved wrong


                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by mikeadyla View Post
                      ... is it true then that a tip can also cause different deflections to the ball? (Unless I'm completely confused). Maybe someone here can help/hazard a guess?
                      I would think so. But I would guess that the effects are really pretty minute unless measured over distance or with some power. Tips that "grip" more like a layered tip, soft Elkmaster, etc I think would behave differently when using side vs a hard tip, lePro, etc.
                      Mayur Jobanputra, Snooker Coach and Snooker Enthusiast
                      My Snooker Blog:


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by mikeadyla View Post
                        I have a question, though it does not relate to a cue per se, but it does relate to low deflections.

                        When my boyfriend got his MW, with the MW tip fitted on, he found it very difficult to adjust to, as he claimed that the angles are very true and with very little deflection. Since I read so much on TSF, we immediately assumed the reason is due to the cue, but then he switched to a normal Elkmaster and has gotten what he call as a more normal reaction with the cue ball.

                        I've not been able to understand precisely what the actual problem is, is it true then that a tip can also cause different deflections to the ball? (Unless I'm completely confused). Maybe someone here can help/hazard a guess?
                        Technically the hardness of the tip can have some effect. Some studies even showed that tip radius can have some effect. However, a tip should not change cue ball deflection of a cue by that much. From what you have described, is it possible since the tip feels very different (MW tip being harder and Elk being softer) your boyfriendmight have changed the way he hit the balls with this new tip. If he hits the ball harder it could result in more cue ball deflection. I am just guessing...
                        Last edited by poolqjunkie; 13 March 2012, 10:11 AM.


                        • #27
                          imo i think you've all got 'the wrong end of the stick' lol. Throw is due to an instability. i.e. a whippy cue. A medium paced shot, shot in slow-mo would demonstrate this perfectly! The firmer the shaft the better. Result no throw! Simples!
                          Cheap and Cheerful! 😄


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
                            imo i think you've all got 'the wrong end of the stick' lol. Throw is due to an instability. i.e. a whippy cue. A medium paced shot, shot in slow-mo would demonstrate this perfectly! The firmer the shaft the better. Result no throw! Simples!
                            here ADR and Terry Davidson holds completely the opposite view

                            Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                            no such thing really - if you thin the cue near the tip it will throw less..........


                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
                              imo i think you've all got 'the wrong end of the stick' lol. Throw is due to an instability. i.e. a whippy cue. A medium paced shot, shot in slow-mo would demonstrate this perfectly! The firmer the shaft the better. Result no throw! Simples!
                              here ADR and Terry Davidson holds completely the opposite view

                              Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                              no such thing really - if you thin the cue near the tip it will throw less..........
                              i nevermissblue says firmer the better

                              ADR and Terry saying whippier the better.


                              • #30
                                Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
                                imo i think you've all got 'the wrong end of the stick' lol. Throw is due to an instability. i.e. a whippy cue. A medium paced shot, shot in slow-mo would demonstrate this perfectly! The firmer the shaft the better. Result no throw! Simples!
                                You are referring to the "stability" of a cue, which some people call "throw"...

                                But the other guys are talking about cue ball deflection, which is how much the cue ball gets push off the plain ball aiming line when side is applied.

                                I personally feel that lower cue ball deflection is desirable but if you have to compromise to the point of making a cue hit very whippy or feel very dead to achieve low cue ball deflection then it is not a good idea.

