Interesting topic and useful information. What I think through my experience, getting some coaching and observation mostly is that the rear pause is not the only thing that defines timing. However, it plays a major role in it no doubt. The rear pause technically will be shorter for guys (like Judd) who are young or have the ability to quickly focus. Therefore they can focus on object ball quickly and hence their rear pause is reduced. They say there are three instances to swith eye, at front pause during final backswing or at rear pause. One should practice and do the final switching according to one's ability or rate of focus on objects. For me for instance I take a little longer to focus so my final switch comes at the end of front pause normally.
Nevertheless, what defines accurate timing is the rythym ... length and slowness and most importantly the steadiness of the final backswing then the final back pause of course and then once again the start of the final delivery and building up of pace in to it... this is where timing comes from. I wonder why nobody mentioned Jimmy White becasue he had an excellent timing in his prime. He was considered best when it came to timing. One must watch him and learn.
Last but not the least, the rear pause is certainly important becasue if it isnt there then when you complete the backswing you suddenly go in forward motion or else you jerk your way in to forward motion. Just imagine whenever you reverse your car do you put it in forward motion with \out applying breaks ??????????? what would happen if you dont apply breaks and suddenly put it in first gear and zoom you go? the gear box might break or at least you will get a huge jerk right? hence you cant attain comfort and smoothness like that. Now the last part is the building up of speed and that is too of utmost importance for timing. When you finish rear pause stop there for a brief moment and then start forward delivery motion you have to put in the first gear in the begining and then switch to second and third gear. Meaning you have to build speed like that (nic and Terry coach the aircraft final run before take off) yes something like that... so you dont rush your final delivery but if the final delivery is from 1-10 then in the 1-4 phase you start very very slow and then generate speed in 5-7 and then finally in 8-10 the full pace required for shot and yes since we are talking about timing..... It keeps on going and going after hitting cueball till grip hand hits the chest so that one does not deccelerate and goes through the cueball well in a timely fashion.... This is only this is how accurate Jimmy-like timing can be achieved... Easier said than done it is... Needs lots of patience and time and practice...!!!
Hope it helps.
Nevertheless, what defines accurate timing is the rythym ... length and slowness and most importantly the steadiness of the final backswing then the final back pause of course and then once again the start of the final delivery and building up of pace in to it... this is where timing comes from. I wonder why nobody mentioned Jimmy White becasue he had an excellent timing in his prime. He was considered best when it came to timing. One must watch him and learn.
Last but not the least, the rear pause is certainly important becasue if it isnt there then when you complete the backswing you suddenly go in forward motion or else you jerk your way in to forward motion. Just imagine whenever you reverse your car do you put it in forward motion with \out applying breaks ??????????? what would happen if you dont apply breaks and suddenly put it in first gear and zoom you go? the gear box might break or at least you will get a huge jerk right? hence you cant attain comfort and smoothness like that. Now the last part is the building up of speed and that is too of utmost importance for timing. When you finish rear pause stop there for a brief moment and then start forward delivery motion you have to put in the first gear in the begining and then switch to second and third gear. Meaning you have to build speed like that (nic and Terry coach the aircraft final run before take off) yes something like that... so you dont rush your final delivery but if the final delivery is from 1-10 then in the 1-4 phase you start very very slow and then generate speed in 5-7 and then finally in 8-10 the full pace required for shot and yes since we are talking about timing..... It keeps on going and going after hitting cueball till grip hand hits the chest so that one does not deccelerate and goes through the cueball well in a timely fashion.... This is only this is how accurate Jimmy-like timing can be achieved... Easier said than done it is... Needs lots of patience and time and practice...!!!
Hope it helps.