As a further comment. Do the exercise that nrage recommended regarding the long straight pots to the edge of the leather however when down on the shot close each eye alternately and see from which eye does the cue look to be on the correct line of aim when down on the shot. that will mean for an 11ft shot that's the eye you use.
If you want to test your aiming, do this. Take three reds and line them up on the top cushion so the dentre red is behind the black spot and in the middle of the cushion. Now take away the centre red and move the other two reds only 1/8th inch out and now from the brown spot try and hit the top cushion without disturbing the reds. Do not do this at pace, just hard enough for the cueball to come back to the brown spot (or actually your tip). The table you use must be fairly level.
This exercise is one very difficult thing to do and at 1/8" spacing it's almost impossible but it will confirm two things. Number one is you are selecting the correct line of aim (no matter which eye you're using) and are also delivering the cue straight
As a further comment. Do the exercise that nrage recommended regarding the long straight pots to the edge of the leather however when down on the shot close each eye alternately and see from which eye does the cue look to be on the correct line of aim when down on the shot. that will mean for an 11ft shot that's the eye you use.
If you want to test your aiming, do this. Take three reds and line them up on the top cushion so the dentre red is behind the black spot and in the middle of the cushion. Now take away the centre red and move the other two reds only 1/8th inch out and now from the brown spot try and hit the top cushion without disturbing the reds. Do not do this at pace, just hard enough for the cueball to come back to the brown spot (or actually your tip). The table you use must be fairly level.
This exercise is one very difficult thing to do and at 1/8" spacing it's almost impossible but it will confirm two things. Number one is you are selecting the correct line of aim (no matter which eye you're using) and are also delivering the cue straight