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"Toy" practice table

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  • "Toy" practice table

    Hi all!
    I remember having one of these when I was a kid, and just wondered: Would buying one of the toy tables, be able good for practising, seeing as I can't always get to the club?

    Here is an example table:

    I am only thinking of it as a way to practice angles.
    I don't think it would be of much use for anything else.

    What are your thoughts on this?
    Last edited by nullsys; 1 August 2012, 08:13 PM.
    Long days and pleasant nights.

  • #2
    I think you would be better off spending the money on practice time, the balls are too small and wrong weight so wont really help in any way i feel


    • #3
      Interesting, this stirred a thought I had a while back. What about if some clever company manufactured a table one could put up against a wall, in a garage or something, just for potting practice. It would only have to have two pockets, one for practising middle bag shots and one for corner pockets. Like a shooting range kinda idea.
      Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


      • #4
        Oh I agree that it's nothing close to what you 'should' use to practice on, but I always struggle on angles.
        So, putting speed, cushions, ball size out the window, wouldn't one angle of 50deg be the same shot to make no matter the ball size / etc?
        It sounds like it would work.

        Also, Particle Physics.... That is an amazing idea!!!
        I wonder if any company has ever thought it through.
        Probably the cost of them rejigging their equipment means it'll never be worth it
        Long days and pleasant nights.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by nullsys View Post
          Oh I agree that it's nothing close to what you 'should' use to practice on, but I always struggle on angles.
          So, putting speed, cushions, ball size out the window, wouldn't one angle of 50deg be the same shot to make no matter the ball size / etc?
          It sounds like it would work.

          Also, Particle Physics.... That is an amazing idea!!!
          I wonder if any company has ever thought it through.
          Probably the cost of them rejigging their equipment means it'll never be worth it
          I know, a 12x3 ft table in the garage would be ideal for practising pots. Damn.
          Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


          • #6
            I remember playing my 4.5' table to death back in the 80's. I seem to remember the angles felt completely different to a full size though.


            • #7
              I've got a 4' 6'' Stephen Hendry table.

              It's quite limited - as jrc750 has said, the balls are the wrong size etc.

              However I bought a set of 'intermediate' size balls off Ebay, and find it useful for potting practice.

              Only cost £20!! I adapted mine to fit on one of those Workmate things - made it more sturdy.

              Also, if it's in your garage you're not forever reminding yourself of the hourly cost for table time!

              I think it's well worth the small investment.
              Last edited by steve clarke; 2 August 2012, 11:14 AM.

