Originally Posted by DeanH
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Here's some instances I've dealt with, bare in mind I've owned chat networks (early 2000's) and many forums:
Had my full name and address released on a forum.
Phone number was given out by mods.
Numerous death threats.
And last week, a user changed his website, to make it look like I attacked his web host. After I screenshot everything, contacted his web host and sent him a text message, he finally decided to revoke his actions.
All because I told him I didn't like his "web design".
Users are strange. They hide behind masks. Create ego's based upon nothing more than words.
You can't predict what others do.
But moderators and administrators must abide by the law and the rules. There are no blurred lines, no grey areas. Otherwise people get hurt.
Sometimes you place your name, email, phone number, address, etc, in their hands. They MUST abide by their own rules and by the law.Long days and pleasant nights.
Sorry, duplicated postLast edited by Terry Davidson; 25 August 2012, 02:17 PM.Terry Davidson
IBSF Master Coach & Examiner
To Everyone:
After a little thinking along with a coffee break and a ciggy, I've decided that PatBlock is actually correct regarding my conduct on here so therefore I'm taking this opportunity to apologize publicly for my use of thinly disguised foul language is this string, another instance where I was directing my comment at Mike Wooldridge and any others that I can't remember right now (but there are probably more).
In the future I will make every effort I possibly can not to rise to the bait when I am publicly insulted on an open string or in PMs and will avoid the use of thinly disguised foul language. I should fall on my sword in apology to you all, but especially those of you who were offended or feel I get away with more than others on here.
I have no problem with using my real name and also the small village where I live although I haven't yet experienced any problems or identity theft with doing that and haven't received any odd emails when I release my email address. I just tried a simple google search with - terry davidson snooker - and got over 60 pages and a lot of my personal info is in there, so I guess for me it's fruitless to disguise myself anyway.
TerryTerry Davidson
IBSF Master Coach & Examiner
Originally Posted by nullsys View PostHere's some instances I've dealt with, bare in mind I've owned chat networks (early 2000's) and many forums:
Had my full name and address released on a forum.
Phone number was given out by mods.
Numerous death threats.
And last week, a user changed his website, to make it look like I attacked his web host. After I screenshot everything, contacted his web host and sent him a text message, he finally decided to revoke his actions.
All because I told him I didn't like his "web design".
Users are strange. They hide behind masks. Create ego's based upon nothing more than words.
You can't predict what others do.
But moderators and administrators must abide by the law and the rules. There are no blurred lines, no grey areas. Otherwise people get hurt.
Sometimes you place your name, email, phone number, address, etc, in their hands. They MUST abide by their own rules and by the law.Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.
Terry, personally I thought you were well-restrained in your responses from a blatant unprovoked personal attack from the first post get-go.
My vote is that (this time) you have nothing to apologies for.
keep trucking...Last edited by DeanH; 25 August 2012, 02:12 PM.Up the TSF! :snooker:
Originally Posted by DeanH View PostTerry, personally I thought you were well-restrained in your responses from a blatant unprovoked personal attack from the first post get-go.
My vote is that (this time) you have nothing to apologies for.
keep trunking...
Originally Posted by DeanH View PostTerry, personally I thought you were well-restrained in your responses from a blatant unprovoked personal attack from the first post get-go.
My vote is that (this time) you have nothing to apologies for.
keep trunking...
Originally Posted by Particle Physics View PostLooking good Coach. Show 'em how it's done.
Have you decided to move away from elbow drop altogether, and do you now advise this for students? Have you noticed a fall off in power without elbow drop? And lastly, it's been great having you as an adviser, a sentiment many would echo. Can you move to Devon please so I don't have to have a new coach this Fall, even if he has knocked in over a hundred 147s and thousands of tons.
Originally Posted by Inoffthered View PostMike Gold was a class act, but don't recall him knocking in over 100x 147's ( just sayin' )Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.
Originally Posted by hotpot View PostNothing personal against bonoman but just to give Terry an inclin of what he may be up against , bonoman reckons half of his team have better cue actions than Mark Williams .