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Action Shot for Newspaper Interview

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  • #91

    Now let's see...most of it is packing for shipping cues, but there's also a heater (which I don't use) a table cover (which I don't use), a 2pc cue case, another 2pc cue case with a Predator pool cue in it (which I don't use), an 'X'-head rest in 2 pieces for traveling, a 1G ball case, a Pro Cup set of balls, table jack and pieces of wood to level the table once in awhile and probably a few other bits and bobs I can't think of right now

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #92
      Originally Posted by Particle Physics View Post
      He's a member of TSF. His student told me this, but I can easily believe that he's done all that in practice. Don't know about his matches.
      Who's a member of TSF? Mike, or his student?


      • #93
        mark williams is a great player! um im going thro a bad time and am not a troll, a genuine snooker player, i know u all hold terry with the highest respect and my remarks a are lot uncalled for , i apologise, really i do
        i would like to apologise to terry in public and in person if the moderators will let me
        im a geniune player who went over board , people like terry are the lifeblood of snooker (i told him that)
        I love going on this forum ,will a moderator come back to me so i can put things right and explain everything


        • #94
          Originally Posted by nullsys View Post
          But moderators and administrators must abide by the law and the rules. There are no blurred lines, no grey areas. Otherwise people get hurt.
          Sometimes you place your name, email, phone number, address, etc, in their hands. They MUST abide by their own rules and by the law.
          Well said.

          The fast and the furious,
          The slow and labourious,
          All of us, glorious parts of the whole!


          • #95
            Originally Posted by Inoffthered View Post
            Who's a member of TSF? Mike, or his student?
            Mr. Gold. Top man by all accounts too.
            Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


            • #96
              Originally Posted by Particle Physics View Post
              Mr. Gold. Top man by all accounts too.
              Yup, he always was. He'll put you on the right track fo sho.


              • #97
                Originally Posted by Inoffthered View Post
                Yup, he always was. He'll put you on the right track fo sho.
                Yeah, that's what worries me. Terry and other coaches have given me great advice, and I am really grateful. What I fear now, is ripping up the script and starting again. Different coaches advocate or emphasize different things; they're only human. I usually say vive la difference, but I've messed with my basic set-up and technique so much in the last 3 mths, that I can't remember where I started (except that where I started was not a good place). This has resulted in a big improvement in my game, and sometimes, I can pot the most amazing balls, yet sometimes, my game falls apart and I miss regulation pots. I wonder if my mindset makes me uncoachable? Too much analysing tbh, even on TSF! lol
                Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


                • #98
                  Just go with the flo m8. Continue to work on the basics, tell Mike what you've tried to do ( in order to get to the point where you are now ) and go from there. It's not like you've been playing this 'new way' for years is it? Even if you have to go 1 step back to move 2 steps forward, it won't be a disaster.

                  Just don't try too hard.
                  Last edited by Inoffthered; 25 August 2012, 03:31 PM. Reason: Spelling.


                  • #99
                    Originally Posted by Inoffthered View Post
                    Just go with the flo m8. Continue to work on the basics, tell Mike what you've tried to do ( in order to get to the point where you are now ) and go from there. It's not like you've been playing this 'new way' for years is it? Even if you have to go 1 step back to move 2 steps forward, it won't be a disaster.

                    Just don't try too hard.
                    True, good advice. The positive side, is that my mind and body are open to change, I'm quite fluid about things at the mo, willing to try different things, and I'm adapting to changes quicker too when I try them. I can play with a number of different set-ups and techniques now, almost between shots.
                    Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


                    • @ Terry,

                      I tried to reply to your last PM 3 times but it appears they were all unsuccessful. I will try from my works PC.

                      Great action shot too ...
                      JP Majestic
                      9.5mm Elk


                      • He's probably in the 'bathroom' swearing at the mirror.....................LOL
                        Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


                        • More likely his on one of those funny things called a snooker table...haha...
                          JP Majestic
                          9.5mm Elk


                          • Originally Posted by throtts View Post
                            More likely his on one of those funny things called a snooker table...haha...
                            He'll be swearing at the balls too....................
                            Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


                            • Originally Posted by throtts View Post
                              More likely his on one of those funny things called a snooker table...haha...
                              He'll be swearing at the balls too....................
                              Harder than you think is a beautiful thing.


                              • PP:

                                Did you mean me in post #100? If so I don't go to the 'bog' (to use your terminology) and swear at the mirror. I do however practice by swearing at myself when I miss a sitter I should have potted or miss the most simple position (%#@&*%#) - that's the new me swearing and using foul language on here.

                                Luckily though, I'm not a cue thrower and I don't swear at the cue since deep down I know - 'it ain't the cue, it's YOU!

                                Terry Davidson
                                IBSF Master Coach & Examiner

