Lets start with an explanation of the title for people with another first language! The title means on the whole when should one give up and say enough is enough!
I'm going through an on going bad patch, or should I say "mostly" not playing to my best ability. I've gone through all the basics, "stance, cue arm straigh, feathers, grip, inlinement and everything else that generally comes to mind. The thing is, I can't seem to be able to aim correctly, I just don't see where I'm aiming when down on the shot. I'm almost sure that it has someting to do with my left eye taking over the command role when down on the shot even though I am quite right eye dominant. Sounds strange I know, but I have to live with it, and it's no laughing matter.
I'll struggle around for a few frames maybe knocking in a 20,30 or 40 break potting balls like there is no tomorrow. Then this problem creeps in and I can't pott sitters over the bag. Then again I'll play like an absolute novice making the odd depressing 8-16 then pull out a 50,60 or 70 break. There is just absolutly no consistancy at all.
So I'm thinking about saying that enough is enough! It depresses me no end, getting in with a cracker of a shot (The likes of Neil Robertson, Judd Trump) then to miss a simple black from it's spot time and time again. Obviously leaving my opponent perfect or near perfect postion on the next ball.
I've shown some footage of me playing (practising) to Terry Davidson, and obviously there are a couple of minor flaws in my game but on the whole everything looks sound. It's just that I can't aim! Most of the time, the object ball does not look like it is going anywhere near the intended pocket. And as you all know, it is very difficult to play snooker if it always looks like you are going to miss. If I ignore this and just cue the ball, it's bang bang bang middle of the pocket time and time again. But everything looks wrong!
So I've had enough!
I'm going through an on going bad patch, or should I say "mostly" not playing to my best ability. I've gone through all the basics, "stance, cue arm straigh, feathers, grip, inlinement and everything else that generally comes to mind. The thing is, I can't seem to be able to aim correctly, I just don't see where I'm aiming when down on the shot. I'm almost sure that it has someting to do with my left eye taking over the command role when down on the shot even though I am quite right eye dominant. Sounds strange I know, but I have to live with it, and it's no laughing matter.
I'll struggle around for a few frames maybe knocking in a 20,30 or 40 break potting balls like there is no tomorrow. Then this problem creeps in and I can't pott sitters over the bag. Then again I'll play like an absolute novice making the odd depressing 8-16 then pull out a 50,60 or 70 break. There is just absolutly no consistancy at all.
So I'm thinking about saying that enough is enough! It depresses me no end, getting in with a cracker of a shot (The likes of Neil Robertson, Judd Trump) then to miss a simple black from it's spot time and time again. Obviously leaving my opponent perfect or near perfect postion on the next ball.
I've shown some footage of me playing (practising) to Terry Davidson, and obviously there are a couple of minor flaws in my game but on the whole everything looks sound. It's just that I can't aim! Most of the time, the object ball does not look like it is going anywhere near the intended pocket. And as you all know, it is very difficult to play snooker if it always looks like you are going to miss. If I ignore this and just cue the ball, it's bang bang bang middle of the pocket time and time again. But everything looks wrong!
So I've had enough!