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  • The TEN COMMANDMENTS of Snooker

    I was thinking this morning . . . if snooker is a religion . . . what are the TEN COMMANDMENTS of Snooker?

    Here is my list:

    Thou shall always chalk your tip
    Thou shall check the whole table for options
    Thou shall keep your back leg straight
    Thou shall get your head down on the cue
    Thou shall aim carefully
    Thou shall watch the object ball when striking the cue ball
    Thou shall keep your body/head still and stay down
    Thou shall respect the referee and other player
    Thou shall call a foul on yourself when you foul (sin)
    Thou shall not lean your cue on the wall or covert another players cue

    Anyone else got a better list?

    I hope this thread doesn't offend anyone!

    ; )
    My favourite players: Walter Lindrum (AUS), Neil Robertson (AUS), Eddie Charlton (AUS), Robby Foldvari (AUS), Vinnie Calabrese (AUS), Jimmy White, Stephen Hendry, Alex Higgins, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Dominic Dale and Barry Hawkins.
    I dream of a 147 (but would be happy with a 100)

  • #2
    Opponent shall stfu while you're playing.

    Actually, the whole session shall be respected with silence.


    • #3
      Thou shalt visualise an outcome for every shot.
      Thou shalt trust thy inner self to complete said shot.
      Thou shalt not judge thy leave as either good nor bad, but as it is.
      Thou shalt not be ruled by the ego; nor shalt thou pander to the ego, nor preen nor pamper nor listen to it, for the ego will always succeed in defeating thou.
      Thou shalt not think but feel.
      Thou shalt not judge thy own efforts, but be aware of the outcome.
      Thou shalt not try to pot the ball once down upon the shot, but simply deliver the cue.
      Thou shalt not have a fascination with the snappy shut clasp things on thy case, and the noise that they make upon closing.
      Thou shalt not kill thy opponent, unless he fails to observe the commandment above.
      Thou shalt not (unlike Shaun Murphy) make it obvious to persons in the third row upon which side thou dresseth.


      • #4
        Thou shalt not laugh at a mate who misses a pot when it looks almost impossible to do so.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by cantpotforshíte View Post
          Thou shalt not (unlike Shaun Murphy) make it obvious to persons in the third row upon which side thou dresseth.
          That had me chuckling.

          I like the commandment about not potting the ball but delivering the cue. It's a subtle change of mental position but I appeals to me as it would take the pressure off potting a ball and I can focus on pushing the cue through straight.


          • #6
            thou shalt learn to play with side despite what Terry says
            thou shalt turn off thy mobile phone
            thou shalt burn as heretics those that do not turn off their mobile phones
            thou shalt not eat the whole fatted calf, Steven & Shaun
            thou shalt not take an eternity to make a break of twelve, Peter
            thou shalt not use squeaky chalk
            thou shalt not trespass along the line of the shot
            thou shalt not forgive those that trespass along the line of the shot
            thou shalt not covet the slim, sensual, raven haired, almond eyed asian beauty with the white gloves
            thou shalt acknowledge Alex Higgins as the tortured messiah


            • #7
              thou shalt not curse out loud when missing said easy shot even if being laughed at


              • #8
                Oooh some good ones there,I only have a few:
                Thou shalt always enjoy it
                Thou shalt always have a laugh in non competitve games
                Thou shalt put some solo practice in (not too much)
                Thou shalt keep head still
                Thou shalt cue straight
                Thou shalt treat others as you'd like others to treat unto you
                Thou shalt tease about winning last session until next session
                Thou shalt remember with the exception of half of Ronnie, we are all inconsistent.
                "It might not be on stats or titles but in terms of talent and the ability to play snooker erm......he's the best" Hendry's humbled words on Ronnie O'Sullivan.


                • #9
                  Thou shalt not use blue chalk
                  Thou shalt not talk to me on my shot
                  Thou shalt turn your phone onto silent
                  Thou shalt pick the balls out on my break
                  Thou shalt not ask "What's that?" halfway through my break
                  Thou shalt count aloud if you can't count in your head
                  Thou shalt not text or answer calls during a frame
                  Thou shalt not tut or comment aloud when you think I've had a bit of run
                  Thou shalt not arrange a session and then want to stop cause you're 4-0 behind
                  Thou shalt not whine cause you're playing like a nob
                  I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


                  • #10
                    thou shall go on twitter and call an entire nation cheats

                    by Mark Allen
                    Goddess Of All Things Cue Sports And Winner Of The 2012 German Masters and World Open Fantasy Games and the overall 2011-12 Fantasy Game


                    • #11
                      thou shall threaten retirement every few months

                      by Ronnie o'sullivan
                      Goddess Of All Things Cue Sports And Winner Of The 2012 German Masters and World Open Fantasy Games and the overall 2011-12 Fantasy Game


                      • #12
                        thou shall eat pies that the nice bookmaker gives me for losing a match

                        by Steve Lee
                        Goddess Of All Things Cue Sports And Winner Of The 2012 German Masters and World Open Fantasy Games and the overall 2011-12 Fantasy Game


                        • #13
                          Thou shall not say 'good shot' before an opponent rattles a pot
                          Thou shall apologise for guessing that said shot was going in before actually looking
                          Thou shall fall asleep whilst watching repeats of Terry Griffiths v Cliff Thorburn
                          Thou shall harm oneself for thinking of Terry Griffiths v Cliff Thorburn
                          Thou shall drink alcohol slower if drawn last in league games
                          It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



                          • #14
                            thou shalt not covet another man's case
                            thou shalt not worship any other cue but thy own
                            thou shalt not commit unconsentration
                            thou shalt honour thy opponent (ok while he's watching)
                            thou shalt say side not english,in-off not scratch,
                            thou shalt not lie,unless you lose


                            • #15
                              Thou shall not chat on a mobile during games?
                              Thou shall not steal anothers chalk
                              Thou shall not sell a fake cue on ebay
                              Thou shall not spill beer on the table
                              My favourite players: Walter Lindrum (AUS), Neil Robertson (AUS), Eddie Charlton (AUS), Robby Foldvari (AUS), Vinnie Calabrese (AUS), Jimmy White, Stephen Hendry, Alex Higgins, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Dominic Dale and Barry Hawkins.
                              I dream of a 147 (but would be happy with a 100)

