Alrite people. Not posted on this for a month or two, just started playing some snooker on a daily basis for the last week or so, hoping to consistently make some 50+ breaks. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on sighting balls. I seem to change the way I sight all the time(usually after a bad performance). What do u guys do? Do you use the imaginary cueball technique(Shaun Murphy talked about it on bbc),do you do the half ball,quarter ball etc technique or do u just get down and hit it as you see it? Any feedback would be much appreciated(whether its sighting or any other tips ie cueing,break building). Thanks
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I've got one!
1. I first of allstand behind object ball; look at object ball to pocket
2. Then stand behind cueball inline with shot with right foot in place
3. Look at object ball 3 seconds look at pocket 1 second look at oject ball for three seconds
4. Play shot!
I added step one but the rest came from Stephen Rowlings who is a pro and a coach!
Originally Posted by whirlwind87Alrite people. Not posted on this for a month or two, just started playing some snooker on a daily basis for the last week or so, hoping to consistently make some 50+ breaks. I was just wondering if anyone had any tips on sighting balls. I seem to change the way I sight all the time(usually after a bad performance). What do u guys do? Do you use the imaginary cueball technique(Shaun Murphy talked about it on bbc),do you do the half ball,quarter ball etc technique or do u just get down and hit it as you see it? Any feedback would be much appreciated(whether its sighting or any other tips ie cueing,break building). Thanks
Reading your post, the quote 'I seem to change the way I sight all the time(usually after a bad performance).' suggests to me that when you play badly you begin to doubt yourself and look for reasons as to why your not playing well (the looking for reasons why is a healthy thing as it shows your willing to get it right, a good attitude to have).
All good players(inc. pro) have a 'drill'.A sequence they run through in their mind as they approach/play each shot.It varies slightly from player to player so I could give you a 'drill' but it would quite possibly need fine tuned for yourself but you would find this out yourself.
The 'drill' basically should ensure(with repetative practice) that you are preparing for the shot correctly and the rest is down to your judgement of angle,feel of the shot and obviously your ability to cue perfectly straight.
With regards to your sighting (I know it sounds basic but I do not know what your knowledge of the game is so please bare with me)Once you have assertained which is your 'master eye' be it left,right or you are evenly sighted
then your cue should always be directly under that eye or exactly between both if even sighted. Try practicing the long straight pots say 10 or 20 see how many you get (plain ball) and make a note of whether you pot,miss to the left or right. If it is predominantly one or the other then you will not be hitting the centre line of the cue ball(straight up and down) so adjust slightly and try to maintain the same adjustment for each shot and see if your results improve. Then apply the same principle to shots with angle.Also practice the angled shots (various) untill they begin to ingrain to memory.
I know it's easier to say than do but persivere for a few weeks and see if things improve.
Hope this helps.
also. . . . . if you sight wrongly then you get a tendency to hit accross the ball (you may still be sending the cue through straight, but accross the white), so you'll apply unintentional side, and you wont get the consistent, and the most, flow of the white ball, which will ruin position. just put the cue under your master eye, or in the middle if youre even sighted, and make sure youre looking at the white when youre hiting it. good luck!!"It's impossible to be perfect but there's no harm in trying" - Steve Davis
Did you just say look at the white when your hitting it!
Wrong wrong wrong!
Please stop giving people bad advice!
A quote from Frank Callan
"Every decent player knows this, but not every decent player does it. Never forget: eyes on the object ball when striking the cue ball!"
I don't rate sightright either!
I know that when I'm playing badly I tend to look at the white too much, and when I'm playing well I look at the object ball a lot more. Eyes must be on the object ball when you hit it for sure!
Personally, to get the "angle" of the shot, before I get down I first look at the pocket and trace a line back to the object ball, then try to find the point on the object ball that's furthest away from the pocket and then get down on the shot and aim for that. This has been the method of sighting that's helped me most, probably because it gives my body more awareness of where the pocket is in relation to the ball.
will you answer my thing about the lining up? its in this section, two or three threads down i think . .
nobody answers it it must be unpopular!! but its bugging me!
ANYONE READING READ MY LINING THREAD AND HELP ME OUT PLEASE! GREATLY APPRECIATED THANKS!"It's impossible to be perfect but there's no harm in trying" - Steve Davis