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Can't keep good form!

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  • Can't keep good form!


    just wondering what am I doing wrong?

    I practice at least1-2 hours a day.
    I can play well some days and CAN HARDLY POT A BALL OTHER DAYS it's realy frustrating.
    Can anybody please please help.

  • #2
    Join the club, i play a few hours a day most days, some days i can pot out of my skin, others i play like Mr Magoo. No idea what causes it. Feel like im doing everything the same but some days stringing any kind of break together is near impossible.
    Last edited by narl; 9 February 2013, 10:35 PM.


    • #3
      I played that bad today, and for the last 3 league matches, iv'e decided to give up


      • #4
        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
        I played that bad today, and for the last 3 league matches, iv'e decided to give up

        It really is the most frustrating game on the planet, theres days where you can pot everything, come back a few hours later (or in some cases a couple of frames later) and you can't pot a ball despite doing everything the same.

        Gets to the point you feel like banging your head off the wall, i stopped playing for about 10 years due in part to this, just seems like its hit or miss during any given frame as to how you will play and the factors that are involved in playing well or not seem to be a mystery due to this, it would be different if there was something that could be pointed out that you're doing wrong, but when you can't pot a ball 10 minutes after knocking everything in it just leaves you scratching your head, and close to smacking a cue off the wall.


        • #5
          I have realised i just can't play under pressure, i can pot them off the light shades during practice, and got my highest break of 64 just before Xmas, but when it matters i literally miss 3 foot straight pots. Not going to play in the leagues next year


          • #6
            Never give up but also accept your never going to play to the high standards of Ronnie O'Sullivan! Just enjoy your game, remember your drill until it becomes second nature and relax
            Always play snooker with a smile on your face...You never know when you'll pot your last ball.

            China Open 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.
            Shanghai Masters 2009 Fantasy Game Winner.


            • #7
              To be in good form you need to have some bad... Keep practicing, keep playing, keep potting and all will come good eventually. I think the bulk of us amateurs have this problem and it's something you just have to play your way through :snooker:
              "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.


              • #8
                Well Ronan147 (I'm assuming the 147 bit is in name only) - This is the game of snooker for you I'm afraid!

                Even top pro's miss 3ft straight pots jrc750. Imagine how frustrating it is for a top pro to miss a black off its spot? The answer isn't to give up, or to give up on matches that mean anything, but to play more matches until you can handle the added pressure and still produce something near to your best game.

                RocketRoys advice is good - try to remember its a game and supposed to be enjoyable, that'll help with achieving the other excellent piece of advice - relax, which is generally why players play poorer in matches - they're too tense, it matters too much to them. Hence the signature quote of Davis' on willtysons post.
                I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


                • #9
                  I feel your pain lol. I dont know if i am in a worse position because when i play badly i know exactly why (head movement, eyes off ob, and grip tightening ) yet i make the same mistakes over and over again, they say its the sign of an idiot to do that so at least i know where i stand, the only thing i can suggest is going right back to basics check they are right, (and lets be honest they cant be or we all wouldnt have these problems )and try and find the fault.
                  This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                    the only thing i can suggest is going right back to basics check they are right
                    That's exactly the right thing to do, check your doing everything correctly from your pre-shot routine to the follow through after you have struck the cue ball......

                    Once all these are back in place your form will follow......

                    And practice, practice, practice!!
                    Winner of 2011 Masters Fantasy game......
                    Winner of 2011 World Championship Fantasy game.......


                    • #11
                      The reason you have those dips in form is because you're not doing the same things you do when you're playing well. It may look and feel the same, but obviously something is different. I wish I could help you, but I'm afraid the only way to reduce those dips in form is to dramatically improve your game, both physical and mental parts. To do this, you will have to practice like mad and enter as many competitions as possible. Trouble is, the better you are, the harder it is to improve. It is not possible to stay at the same level and yet improve consistency...won't happen...ever. Hope this helps.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                        I played that bad today, and for the last 3 league matches, iv'e decided to give up
                        Dont give up league snooker jrc750 ,iv played league snooker for 40 years and still love it i play in two leagues ,like most league players on my day i can beat anybody in my division but i always say anybody can win when they are buzzing me personely i get more pleasure out of winning when im not playing so well i think in league snooker you need to develope a good B game .


                        • #13

                          The most likely cause of that change in ability is upper body movement with the second most common being tightening the grip before the strike. The best advice I can give you has already been given here. Get in some solo table time and go right back to basics however I would add get to see a coach who can really help you.

                          If you aren't able to get to a coach then take some videos of yourself and analyse them yourself or else post them on here and let us take a look to see if we can help you out

                          Terry Davidson
                          IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                            jrc750: .... Get in some solo table time and go right back to basics however I would add get to see a coach who can really help you ..... Terry
                            Thanks for advice Terry (and others), i have around 2 weeks before my next game, so am gonna make sure i get some alone time in.
                            Just don't enjoy it when i can't pot the balls in a match that i could pot left handed whilst practicing (slight exaggeration but you know what i mean ) very very frustrating and not sure if it's worth the heartache

