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My stance, grip, cue action etc. pls advice

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  • My stance, grip, cue action etc. pls advice

    Hi, I would like you guys to comment on my stance, grip, cue action and etc. Please advice and correct my technique

    P.S I notice I lifted my head up a little bit after every front pauses.

    here my video:

    sorry for my bad english.

  • #2
    You are lifting your head and shoulder as you say and I would work to correct that. You were cueing a little fast for me to tell whether you are dropping your elbow early or not. It looks OK although you might be dropping that elbow a little too much but you appear to drop it straight.

    Other than for those two items I see nothing wrong with your technique from this short video and what you need to do is practice, practice and then get some more practice but make it disciplined and dedicated and don't just bang balls around

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #3
      Thanks Terry I'll try to correct all those bad habits. One thing is do I have to correct my elbow drop? or just make it less because It feels very weird when I don't drop.


      • #4
        On power shots the elbow drop is a good thing. Ideally if a player has a long backswing which is absolutely straight then dropping the elbow a bit ON THE BACKSWING to keep the cue on the same plane and then a bigger elbow drop on the delivery is ideal technique.

        Using a severe elbow drop like you have there is always a danger of it happening before striking the cueball which will cause the tip to rise on the cueball at time of strike. As long as your elbow drops after the strike you should be fine.

        Terry Davidson
        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


        • #5
          Thx Terry, I'll practice.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
            On power shots the elbow drop is a good thing. Ideally if a player has a long backswing which is absolutely straight then dropping the elbow a bit ON THE BACKSWING to keep the cue on the same plane and then a bigger elbow drop on the delivery is ideal technique.

            Using a severe elbow drop like you have there is always a danger of it happening before striking the cueball which will cause the tip to rise on the cueball at time of strike. As long as your elbow drops after the strike you should be fine.

            One question here Coach...since I have this elbow drop as well and just like ling said; it feels weird if I dont... In order to check whether the elbow drop is before striking (inducing shoulder muscle and disturbing cue action) is this a correct way to analyse, as under:

            If elbow drop is before striking then cue tip raises on impact then if one is deep screwing and elbow is before strike then the effect of deep screw will not be attained correctly say in 10 similar shots... right? Hence if I can deep screw properly with proper reaction on the cue ball 8 out of 10 then would it mean that the elbow drop is AFTER the strike???

            i think so.. What do you say. If that is the case then I think I should not worry too much about my elbow drop!
            "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


            • #7
              Originally Posted by linglomsri View Post
              Thx Terry, I'll practice.
              Dear Ling: The two main things visible from this angle have already been pointed out by Terry the great. I, after watching the vid, had the same same opinion i.e.

              1. You are moving/raising your head on the shot and hence affecting stillness negatively...
              2. You are too quick in your cue action, you need to calm that down

              in fact both your things are related so it will be easy to get rid of them. You are too quick and therefore cant control head movement. try to relax while taking a shot and first practice with slow slow cue action slower then you think (without any balls) try to get that feel in you... Then with balls do slow action slow cueing and take the shot you will feel the difference.

              similarly for head movement go to the table without balls and take your stance then CLOSE YOUR EYES and do your feathers (slow) and then front pause - backswing back pause delivery... all that rehearsal however with eyes closed focus on chin brushing against the cue... on backswing it will happen but on delivery your chin might not brush.... thats a sign of lifting of the head... concentrate on that then do some practice with intensionally brushing chin against cue on delivery till that becomes a habit...

              BEst of luck!
              "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


              • #8
                Thx sidd
                Lifting head and shoulder while delivering is not difficult to eliminate it but dropping elbow is so freaking hard lol. I used to try to do step like Hendry it worked out really great but I felt I had less cue action on the cueball so I decided to work and improve my technique. I'll try hard not to lift my head and not to drop my elbow too much anyway.

                Sorry for my poor english


                • #9
                  Remember: Only change one thing at a time!

                  Do not try and get a slower cue action/ keeping still on the shot AND reduce elbow drop at the same time.

                  Because if you suddenldy are screwed, you have no chance to know why.

                  So prioritise: 1. Slow down your action to get rid of any upper body movement.
                  As soon as you are comfortable with your new action: 2. reduce elbow drop if need be.

