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Help needed

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  • Help needed

    Okay, you guys, I've been trying to use snooker fundamentals and still have a heck of a time hitting the balls straight. I don't know if I'm set up wrong or am just a klutz. Please look; any constructive comments are appreciated. Thanks.

  • #2
    To be honest you dont seem to be doing too much wrong from what I can see. Your basic stance seems pretty conventional and solid. If I was to be ultra critical then maybe a slightly longer pause at the end of your back stroke and a little less force on the shot itself. Other than that my friend its practice practice practice.



    • #3
      On your backswing you're opening the fingers of the hand to such an extent that they all come off the cue, and then on the strike they all come back on except the index finger. This tells me you have a back of the hand grip, ie back three fingers.
      Those back three fingers, the ones that actually hold the cue, should be in contact with the cue at all times during the cue action because at the moment they come off then come back on which is causing a small upper body movement as you tighten the grip on the strike.

      Keep the back three fingers in contact with the cue at all times, just allow them to open on the backswing while still contacting the cue as you don't need to open the hand/fingers as much as you are.
      Open the hand on the backswing and close it on the strike without tightening the grip, strike through the cue ball while keeping your eyes on the contact point of the object ball.


      • #4
        What I saw:

        Your head and shoulders are lifting during the delivery. You must remain absolutely still during both the backswing and delivery.

        Next is you are not driving the hand to the chest consistently nor are you accelerating through the cueball.

        Try shortening the feathering time and lower the number of feathers to 2 and a maximum of 3.

        Otherwise it looks pretty good

        Terry Davidson
        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


        • #5
          To be fair its not bad. I would concentrate on your grip. In the address position make sure the hand is closed around the cue and the palm touches the cue. When you bring the cue back the palm can come off and the back of the hand can open. However make sure all the fingers are still in contact with the cue as mentioned above. At the moment I think you just have too many fingers moving around during the cue action. Good luck.
          coaching is not just for the pros


          • #6
            Thanks for the responses. I'll work on keeping the back fingers in contact with the cue. Terry, I know I move a little on some of the shots, mostly when I need a little power. Not sure exactly why, but I'll work on it.
            If I'm able to make some progress, I'll try to get a little better video up.

