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  • Ossbaps

    I've created an acronym for myself, OSSBAPS, which I've started to use as a sort of mantra or ritual - in fact I'm trying to go through it in my head on every shot. Why? Because I'm trying to improve concentration, take things more slowly, and make every step count. It's pretty basic stuff but if you're like me you sometimes forget the basics. The acronym stands for:


    OPTIONS - Am I the only one to have selected a shot, missed, stood up and noticed a better option? Or gone down on a shot and had a nagging thought in the back of my head that there was another option that I hadn't properly considered, then thought 'what the hell' and missed the shot on just because of that nagging doubt? OPTIONS means check out the options on every shot as a first step.

    STAND - A reminder to stand back and assess the line of aim, every time.

    STITCH - Perhaps a strange one, but it's my alternative to Pocket. At this point I'm trying to focus on a particular stitch or two on the net cover of the pocket so that I look right into the pocket gap, not the pesky jaws.

    BALL - Means the object ball. Checking the line between the ball and the stitch/pocket. For me, this works best when I see it as an imaginary broad line, like a ribbon rather than a string, with the object ball sitting on the line.

    ADDRESS - Through STITCH and BALL I'm still standing back. Now I go down to make the address on the cue ball, informed by my imagined 'ribbon' through the object ball, extending the line through the cue. Tip centre, up or down (occasionally to the side) depending on the choice of shot I'm going to make.

    PACE - Focusing on object ball, two or three waggles as I visualise where the cue ball is going, assessing the pace I need for the strike, then, slight pause and:

    STRIKE - In my head I'm saying this to the object ball as I strike through the cue ball. Perhaps an odd thing to do, but it's my way of keeping my attention on the object ball and emptying my head of anything else at the moment of strike.

    This description may make it sound as if the execution of any shot takes ages, but it can all be done in a few seconds though, as I said, one of my objectives is to slow down a little, stop rushing my shots.

    As I also said, pretty basic stuff, but I'm not a good player and I need to be constantly reminding myself to do things right. It's early days using the mantra but so far it's been good for my rhythm and accuracy.

    Anybody else got mantras or rituals they go through?

  • #2
    I would find your mantra too difficult to explain and have my students follow. There are just 3 really important 'secrets' to improving at snooker and all the rest is just fine-tuning.


    So perhaps your mantra could be shortened to SSD or something. Concentrating on too many things during the shot routine will lead to cluttering the mind and taking the focus off what you're supposed to be doing, which is pot the ball first and secondly control the cueball.

    Terry Davidson
    IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


    • #3
      Spot the shot, visualise the position, make it happen.

      You already know the rest, no need to think about it or elaborate further than that. For me, the second you do think about anything more than the pot and position, you're fcuked!

      We've all been there. But that's the challenge of the game. Empty your mind.


      • #4
        Sight the shot.

        Head quite still

        Imagine the pockets as big as a bucket

        Thrust arm forward like a piston.

        B****cks missed again
        Last edited by Maverick54; 28 March 2013, 07:07 PM.
        "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford


        • #5
          I know its wrong but i cant have "drive through the cue ball till hand hits the chest" in my routine, it makes my stroke to aggressive and creates tension in my arm and my head to move. In its place i have "let the cue do the work" this lets me cue smoother and right through the ball without using effort for reaction, if that makes sense.
          This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


          • #6
            Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
            I know its wrong but i cant have "drive through the cue ball till hand hits the chest" in my routine, it makes my stroke to aggressive and creates tension in my arm and my head to move. In its place i have "let the cue do the work" this lets me cue smoother and right through the ball without using effort for reaction, if that makes sense.
            That's perfectly fine. The goal/purpose of the "drive through" idea is to stop you pulling up short, stopping the cue early and losing speed and cue power. Not to mention introducing unwanted movement at the point of impact. Letting the cue do the work will have the same end result, and should work just as well. In fact, in some ways it may be better because it hints at a more relaxed action perhaps.
            "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
            - Linus Pauling


            • #7
              "Let the cue do the work" is spot on.


              • #8
                pottr said it, see the shot and play it

                if you're having to worry about stance, aim, delivery, etc you need to see a coach to get your cueing sorted to eliminate worrying about it before each shot

