Originally Posted by nrage
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This is the reason there are different coaches with different ideas and players with their own individual quirks - and it is very much a case of learning sound fundamentals at the start and progressing in your own fashion with practice after this.
Your timing pre -shot routine grip and lots of other things become a natural thing to you - I do not see many people with identical cue actions do you although it would help us if we could all copy Ronnie or Hendry to a tee lol?
You can pick up lots of little ideas and things and try them out to see if they help your game and you can cancel out things that effect the bad things and yes you can end up over thinking the game - many people do this too.
The brain finds it hard to think of more than one thing at once so making most of it natural is key because if you are thinking about am I doing this or that when you are getting down on the line of the shot then you are giving your brain too much information to process and you can go from bad to worse.
This is why you should do all the thinking and shot selection when up off the shot behind it - which I saw a guy on another thread do on here with a camera on his head lol.
If you are down and thinking things or still moving around trying to find the line get back up - For me most of the thinking is done when up and the natural stuff timing pause and delivery clicks in when I am down.
Freeing your mind to play snooker and not thinking I am doing this or that wrong is I feel 'the most important' part of the game after you have learned a solid enough technique and that again is something else completely different and I am going off topic but many sports psychologists make a good living sorting this important part out for people.