Hey all guys, been a while since i last posted here, and i've come back to vent my fustrations and rant to those who can be bothered to read this, however, if anyone can provide some advice that will help keep my sanity, feel free to reply 
So let me explain, and i have explained this is previous posts before, i've played the game of snooker for nearly 10 years, and over those years i played at differing standards. Anyway, before i started to see a coach, i was regularly making 20-30 breaks, and maybe making 50's in line ups etc. I decided if i wanted to improve i would go see a coach, anyway, over the course of the last 6 years i have seen 3 different coaches who all have commented on the fact i cue relatively smooth and straight, have minimal technical faults etc...... and all have given me advice for small adjustments, i.e. moving bridge closer to white, pause length etc. The one universal thing to come out of all the coaching though was the fact they all believed i should be playing at a much more consistent standard than i was displaying, with all suggesting i should regularly be making 60+ breaks with the technical standard and mentality i have for the game (i was even recommended by once go to play in the Welsh Regional Leagues. The problem is, not one of them to find or identify the reasons why i wasn't doing this. Anyway, i have found over the past 2 years that my standard has become embarassing, and not to sound stupid, but i am now playing at a level where people honestly think ive never played the game before, i.e. regularly only potting one red and missing colours, missing easy shots 7/10 times (not concentrations lapses), but the main thing, and everyone i played has said, my long potting game and potting is so much better than my standard shots (3ft - 6ft) - which leads to the idea that my angles and cueing isnt drastically wrong. I could understanding missing the easy shot now and again, due to concentration, but its like 15+ times a frame easily.
Anyway, after being completely embarassed to the brink of tears today, 3 frames in a row, against a poor player, where again i could not put 2 balls together (and thats no joke), i decided to just have a quick look at my technique on my own. Again, up and down the spots my cueing was straight, i done all the normal practice routines to check cueing, checkin for wrist movement etc, and to me and my dad, it was all good. So i decided to set up 4 reds between black and pink, and again, i would miss such silly shots. More often than not, a shot i should pot 9/10.
Technically speaking, im closer to a perfect ideal technique than most of the players in my club, and this is due to coaching on some level, but in relative terms, it is those players who have developed more than me, even with what would be regarded as big technical faults.
So i come home today and had a think why my game has deterioated so much, and to be completely honest i dont know why, not one person i ask, Dad, friends etc, can even think why (it does feel like i have a fault of some kind which i cant identify - even coaches couldnt). The only thing that comes to mind is that so many people over the years have told me to play my game this way or that way, and most often its people telling me to play quicker etc. To me, i feel my best game would be player slower, im that kind of person who needs to mentally know im doing everything right before i play the shot. The problem is though, if i play like this, i feel im putting so much effort into every shot its killing me. And then if i do miss the shot, i feel mentally exhausted. But to be completely honest, i have tried playing at many speeds, with varying levels of concentration and effort, and nothing comes to fruitation.
The really question is, 3 coaches have told me my technique is of a good level, my knowledge of the game is good, i even got to a level where i was making 50s in games, and 100+ in line ups, but now, im at a stage where 2 balls is lucky for me, and line up barely break the 30 mark. Yet my technique hasn't changed - luckily my old coach plays in the same club. But why couldnt these coaches identify what was holding me back - why do i pot the hard ones and not the easy ones, is it down to me feeling im playing at a pace i dont like??
It is getting me down, and i do feel embarassed playing, especially when people are thinking ive never played the game before and im losing to players i was comfortabley beating 4-5 years ago??
Thanks for any advice and thanks for reading the post

So let me explain, and i have explained this is previous posts before, i've played the game of snooker for nearly 10 years, and over those years i played at differing standards. Anyway, before i started to see a coach, i was regularly making 20-30 breaks, and maybe making 50's in line ups etc. I decided if i wanted to improve i would go see a coach, anyway, over the course of the last 6 years i have seen 3 different coaches who all have commented on the fact i cue relatively smooth and straight, have minimal technical faults etc...... and all have given me advice for small adjustments, i.e. moving bridge closer to white, pause length etc. The one universal thing to come out of all the coaching though was the fact they all believed i should be playing at a much more consistent standard than i was displaying, with all suggesting i should regularly be making 60+ breaks with the technical standard and mentality i have for the game (i was even recommended by once go to play in the Welsh Regional Leagues. The problem is, not one of them to find or identify the reasons why i wasn't doing this. Anyway, i have found over the past 2 years that my standard has become embarassing, and not to sound stupid, but i am now playing at a level where people honestly think ive never played the game before, i.e. regularly only potting one red and missing colours, missing easy shots 7/10 times (not concentrations lapses), but the main thing, and everyone i played has said, my long potting game and potting is so much better than my standard shots (3ft - 6ft) - which leads to the idea that my angles and cueing isnt drastically wrong. I could understanding missing the easy shot now and again, due to concentration, but its like 15+ times a frame easily.
Anyway, after being completely embarassed to the brink of tears today, 3 frames in a row, against a poor player, where again i could not put 2 balls together (and thats no joke), i decided to just have a quick look at my technique on my own. Again, up and down the spots my cueing was straight, i done all the normal practice routines to check cueing, checkin for wrist movement etc, and to me and my dad, it was all good. So i decided to set up 4 reds between black and pink, and again, i would miss such silly shots. More often than not, a shot i should pot 9/10.
Technically speaking, im closer to a perfect ideal technique than most of the players in my club, and this is due to coaching on some level, but in relative terms, it is those players who have developed more than me, even with what would be regarded as big technical faults.
So i come home today and had a think why my game has deterioated so much, and to be completely honest i dont know why, not one person i ask, Dad, friends etc, can even think why (it does feel like i have a fault of some kind which i cant identify - even coaches couldnt). The only thing that comes to mind is that so many people over the years have told me to play my game this way or that way, and most often its people telling me to play quicker etc. To me, i feel my best game would be player slower, im that kind of person who needs to mentally know im doing everything right before i play the shot. The problem is though, if i play like this, i feel im putting so much effort into every shot its killing me. And then if i do miss the shot, i feel mentally exhausted. But to be completely honest, i have tried playing at many speeds, with varying levels of concentration and effort, and nothing comes to fruitation.
The really question is, 3 coaches have told me my technique is of a good level, my knowledge of the game is good, i even got to a level where i was making 50s in games, and 100+ in line ups, but now, im at a stage where 2 balls is lucky for me, and line up barely break the 30 mark. Yet my technique hasn't changed - luckily my old coach plays in the same club. But why couldnt these coaches identify what was holding me back - why do i pot the hard ones and not the easy ones, is it down to me feeling im playing at a pace i dont like??
It is getting me down, and i do feel embarassed playing, especially when people are thinking ive never played the game before and im losing to players i was comfortabley beating 4-5 years ago??
Thanks for any advice and thanks for reading the post