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Practice routines you can do in the house

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  • #91
    Okay so you from NZ but now you've been living in the UK for the past 5, What city? I'm not surprised you don't have time, no one has time to play, all working there asses off.
    I put 110% into snooker for years. But I envied he lads that would pop-in to the club now and then that where all-rounders who enjoyed lots of differing sports!

    Originally Posted by nrage View Post
    Snooker isn't so common in NZ, sadly. It's relegated to RSA (retired servicemen) clubs. You get the odd pool hall but never snooker. In fact, I didn't "discover" snooker until I came to the UK ~5 years ago. I arrived just in time to watch Selby lose to Higgins in the WC final (while I was job hunting).

    No, other than a bum knee from football and a weak back (mild form or schumans disease or similar) I am fairly healthy. The issue for me is simply not enough hours in a day and too many other responsibilities (work, family, etc). I have no doubt that if I had the time I would improve. I've always been better than my mates at pool and I've never met a sport/game I was bad at .. of course, in my youth I had 20+ hours in which to play the various sports I enjoyed; football (outdoor/indoor), cricket (outdoor/indoor), volleyball, hockey, karate, ... those days are long gone however and I'm not as fit as I was, as evidenced by how sore I am after a game of cricket these days.


    • #92
      RO has played people on the old pro-am circuit with one arm and the like.

      Originally Posted by throtts View Post
      Imagine a pro on the pro tour with one eye. The Rocket v Cyclops, haha. And what about some dude beating Ronnie in a wheelchair, Ronnie would surely slash there tires.


      • #93
        Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
        Okay so you from NZ but now you've been living in the UK for the past 5, What city? I'm not surprised you don't have time, no one has time to play, all working there asses off.
        Epsom, Surrey. Yeah, work, family and other commitments keep me from the club for months, when I get to play it's usually just solo practice or when a mate has come back into town for a weekend or something. I used to organise the tournament at the Epsom snooker club for a year or so, so I was playing once a week for several hours.. but that changed hands and became a pool/poker place

        Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
        I put 110% into snooker for years. But I envied he lads that would pop-in to the club now and then that where all-rounders who enjoyed lots of differing sports!
        I wish I could still play football but I've had 3 knee reconstructions so far and I don't want to knacker it completely and not be able to walk unaided later in life. So, I stick to social cricket (less twisting and unexpected stress on the knee) and that alone eats up 7+ hours of my "free" time on any given weekend, basically guaranteeing I don't get to play any snooker as well.

        I could give up the cricket I suppose but I enjoy it and it keeps me fit.. plus I don't think I could swap 7 hours of cricket for 7 hours of snooker.. trying to justify that one to the wife would be tricky.

        Ideally I would have a table at home, but the only way I could get space would be to tear down the garden sheds and purpose build a space.. and that's not likely to happen any time soon.. perhaps when I'm older and we have a larger place... I can dream.
        "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
        - Linus Pauling


        • #94
          I know Epsom very well! Jimmy had his table there. Its got a strong league to, do you play in the league? Do you know any of the the premier lads lawrence/mears/anders/lynskey?

          Originally Posted by nrage View Post
          Epsom, Surrey. Yeah, work, family and other commitments keep me from the club for months, when I get to play it's usually just solo practice or when a mate has come back into town for a weekend or something. I used to organise the tournament at the Epsom snooker club for a year or so, so I was playing once a week for several hours.. but that changed hands and became a pool/poker place


          • #95
            Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
            I know Epsom very well! Jimmy had his table there. Its got a strong league to, do you play in the league? Do you know any of the the premier lads lawrence/mears/anders/lynskey?
            Yeah, it was Jimmy's old club we played at. It had changed hands several times before that however.

            The standard of players at the club when I was running the competition was below premier level so I didn't meet any of the guys you mention, we mostly had older or casual players come on a regular basis. We had Ron's grandson come and play once of twice, he was an excellent player, probably premier standard. Due to handicap and the fact that we only played best of 3 I managed to squeak a victory off him on the match table. I'm pretty sure he was having an off night and the pockets on that table were unforgiving when you were struggling. I played percentages and got a bit lucky with a safety in the closing stages to take the match.

            No I don't play in the league. When I had more time I did try to find a league team in need of a player but all the guys I met already had players to spare or were playing above my standard - such that even if they were happy for me to play, I'd feel bad turning up and losing every week. I did practice with those guys for a bit though, down at my social club. Then I got busier so that idea went on the back burner. If I chucked the cricket, I might have the time to devote to a league team perhaps.
            "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
            - Linus Pauling


            • #96
              I'd recommend league snooker for any improving player. Playing home and away on different tables, trying your heart out for the team over two frames and a few people watching.. Nice bit of pressure there

              Originally Posted by nrage View Post
              No I don't play in the league. When I had more time I did try to find a league team in need of a player but all the guys I met already had players to spare or were playing above my standard - such that even if they were happy for me to play, I'd feel bad turning up and losing every week. I did practice with those guys for a bit though, down at my social club. Then I got busier so that idea went on the back burner. If I chucked the cricket, I might have the time to devote to a league team perhaps.


              • #97
                Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
                I'd recommend league snooker for any improving player. Playing home and away on different tables, trying your heart out for the team over two frames and a few people watching.. Nice bit of pressure there
                Yeah, that would be ideal. The weekly money tournament was good for a bit of pressure too
                "Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error"
                - Linus Pauling

