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A sudden break of 61 while down in the abyss.... I shall answer the 'How' in it

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  • A sudden break of 61 while down in the abyss.... I shall answer the 'How' in it

    Dear Terry (my Technique aspects coach)
    Dear Steve aka Vmax (my Psychological aspects coach)
    Everyone else on the forum;

    I wanted to write an email to Terry and Vmax only but then thought of putting it as a thread so others can benefit (if there is something worth benefiting from through my craziness). I just wanted to share this unique experience with everyone and also my joy. Coming from 5 frames down for a professional player is rather different but for a person like me suddenly striking a break of 61 when in the blues is not just another day's story.

    To be short and precise, I was playing bad, as bad as one could get. Finding it hard to pot two balls in a row missing easy chances even when in the balls nothing seemed right. I was thinking in mind "well Sidd this is who you are this is your standard why the f*c* dont you realise, this is perhaps the time to quit this game for good go do some gym and reduce your damn fat it would be productive at least all sorts of negative things in mind" played 7 frames absolutely bad to an extent that those who know my game started wondering and asking me what was wrong and I said umm well NOTHING this is my standard and when I play well thats just good luck maybe. Yeah I was that down. I even visualised my retirement hahaha where the press person would only use one line to explain my career "another dumbass goes down the drain" hahahhaa LOL

    There comes the last frame and I know I have to go home after this so I try to give myself one last chance and ask myself to show some discipline and only lock eyes on the potting spot on the object ball and do not think of ANYThiNG ELSE. I do that and make a sudden out of nowhere break of 61 WOW where did that come from? they all exclaim. I was about to beat my highest of 67 but I missed the pink and black for a possible 74. Well took the blue near centre with running side went to bottom cushion but missed the cannon on the pink tucked in the side cushion. Anyway, i was not even in the zone and played like that.

    What happened? Following lesson learnt:

    While playing bad I had the grip elbow shoulder thing in mind always. so even though I thought I was looking at the potting spot on the object ball, I wasnt. This is what really happens and some of us like me do not get it. Steve and Terry have mentioned this many times to me but I thought I was looking at BOB at the time of strike but in reality I wasnt. What happens is that you take aim go down feathers then front pause eyes locked on BOB then backswing back pause then ........ on delivery you stare at the hollow space or thin air rather than the ball i reliased that on delivery and at the ACTUAL TIME of SRTIKING THE cue ball since I had other factors in my mind so I was physically looking at the BOB but not with the mind ... better still.. my looking at the BOB was not accompanied by the looking of the brain. i.e. mind was somewhere else like grip elbow noise comments etc etc etc This time what I did was intentionally look at BOB and during back swing and delivery stayed with with eyes as well as brain ... I got the feeling during this break ... something I always wanted the answer for i.e. how you go in the zone.

    I always used to wonder that when in the zone you do everything best but can not and do not remember HOW you did it. What did you do to get ot the zone right. Also while in the zone what was the grip doing where was the elbow the shoulder etc etc when in the zone comments noise nothing matters. But after that you try to recall how the grip was how the elbow shoulder others things were so that you can remember and replicate the same again but you have no answer and cannot go to the zone yourself.

    You are just timing the ball excellent and getting desired results without much force or effort. I think I am on the verge of revelation to this mystery and that is: since your eyes/mind is focused on BOB everything else starts to happen subconsciously. You have got the grip elbow stance shoulder bridge etc etc corrected during solo but you dont know and then during the match if you only concentrate on eyes/mind on BOB everything that you have learnt comes to play without having you noticing it at all. This is how this game is played, no other way out. Things in technique have to become second nature :love_heart:

    So from now onwards I know that I have developed a solid technique to rely upon and its just this that you do not have to only lock eyes on the BOB with your physical eyes but also with the eyes of the mind, they need to loock there as well i.e. eyes (both physical and that of the brain) have to be locked on BOB at the EXACT moment of strike.. how you achieve that well easy your eyes and brain has to be locked on the BOB at least 2 seconds before .... during... and 2 seconds after the strike.

    Last but not the least, one DANGER that remains with you in this regard is (my experience and opinion only) that once things start to happen for me and I keep my eyes/brain locked on BOB and get the results I have a tendency to take things for granted i.e. taking 4 hard balls in a row and landing at an easy ball makes you take it for granted... BANG ... this is where the problem starts and you go in to thinking what is wrong is it the grip or elbow or what and everything happens over and over again whereas its just that you allow the brain to play games on you in this direction-- if you dont and try to get your focus there with you .... it would do wonders (one needs to have a sound technique in order to forget everything else and do only this BOB business with eyes and brain) like if you are doing BOB with eyes/brain but do not follow through correctly things would not be good or moving the head or anything else.... So during and after this break of 61 that came out when I was totally totally down and playing like a man who has never played snooker ... I realised two things:

    1. its all BOB for someone playing at my level.
    2. my technique things are perfectly all right cuz if those were not how could I manage a 61 under extreme pressure of playing bad ?

    Food for thought...happy snookering !!!
    "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd

  • #2
    Sorry to be so dense, but what is 'BOB'? (A forum search produced no results.)


    • #3
      Back of ball, its a sighting/aiming method
      77 in a match, 97 in a line up


      • #4
        "Back of ball", back of the object ball. "Back" being the correct point of contact to execute the pot.
        JP Majestic
        9.5mm Elk


        • #5
          well done on the 61, Sidd.

          Are you sure your striking the pots when you are ready. Match play tends to knock you off rhythm.
          JP Majestic
          9.5mm Elk


          • #6
            Originally Posted by throtts View Post
            "Back of ball", back of the object ball. "Back" being the correct point of contact to execute the pot.
            Thanks Throtts... Gnomos, this is exactly how it can be explained. The imaginary spot on the object ball that you need to strike in order to pot the ball or else in order to send it on the line you wish to... for example while making a snooker etc.
            "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


            • #7
              Originally Posted by throtts View Post
              well done on the 61, Sidd.

              Are you sure your striking the pots when you are ready. Match play tends to knock you off rhythm.
              Throtts my dear, thanks a lot.

              To be very honest I think I was rushing the shot a bit or not striking when I was ready as you put it... It ruined rhythm as well as timing... However, my 61 taught me that if I concentrate on the BOB at the TIME of STRIKE... i will automatically improve my strike timing and my overall rhythm .... this is how one can train the brain not to think of anything but the execution of the shot at hand. This is why we visualise the shot in terms of position while up and know where to strike when up... when down its only BOB business with eyes and the brain and nothing else...!!!
              "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Sidd View Post
                Throtts my dear, thanks a lot.

                To be very honest I think I was rushing the shot a bit or not striking when I was ready as you put it... It ruined rhythm as well as timing... However, my 61 taught me that if I concentrate on the BOB at the TIME of STRIKE... i will automatically improve my strike timing and my overall rhythm .... this is how one can train the brain not to think of anything but the execution of the shot at hand. This is why we visualise the shot in terms of position while up and know where to strike when up... when down its only BOB business with eyes and the brain and nothing else...!!!
                Well done Sidd,
                it's taken a while but at last you understand about natural rhythm, eyes and mind and body as one. Concentration through relaxation will put you in the zone where the subconscious takes over and the game is played with no conscious thought just simply seeing the shots and executing them with no anxiety.
                To all of you on this forum who struggle to make good breaks but can make great pots now and again, remember those great pots and take heart from them and let them give you the confidence you need to realise that you can make that pot, can make that break, can make that clearance. If you can make a twenty you can put two twenties together and make a forty, put two forties together etc, etc.
                Stop thinking and just focus on the object ball and let it happen.

                People like Sidd and myself who are OCD in nature have this tendancy to overthink things and struggle to relax as the mind is always full of something. If we can do it, albeit intermittantly, so can you.


                • #9
                  Very well said Steve. Indeed it took me an age of agony to come to the point where I could actually SEE what you meant. I wanted to know this long ago but for some reason my OCD kept messing with my brain and I kept struggling with technique (which I always had in sound shape with me- all along) but as they say better late than never now I have actually experienced what you have always meant and this revelation this realisation shall go a long way with me in my game I feel so overly happy and overjoyed.

                  To you I find myself indebted immensely given that you are the first and only person who identified my OCD to me and I realised that not only for my snooker but for my life. Knowing OCD and then knowing when you are acting OCD and when to chill out relax and accept things not going around in your way is important in OCD. Now I am a better person, a better boss at work and a much better snooker player... Similarly you trained me on the BOB business, which I took ages to understand but I feel much relax and better now.... Snooker is a game of simple shots played to perfection ... now I get it
                  "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Sidd View Post
                    Very well said Steve. Indeed it took me an age of agony to come to the point where I could actually SEE what you meant. I wanted to know this long ago but for some reason my OCD kept messing with my brain and I kept struggling with technique (which I always had in sound shape with me- all along) but as they say better late than never now I have actually experienced what you have always meant and this revelation this realisation shall go a long way with me in my game I feel so overly happy and overjoyed.
                    And yet on another thread you are asking Terry if you need to adjust your cue action for your dominant eye, WHY ??


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                      And yet on another thread you are asking Terry if you need to adjust your cue action for your dominant eye, WHY ??
                      Hahahha yeah my bad sorry for that. I have already replied on that thread that I wont go in to that business again. I replied to your comment before coming here... but you are rather quick

                      No I wont let my OCD mess with me again... I have promised myself to be disciplined and that would be nothing other than BOB...! you can have it SEALED

                      "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


                      • #12
                        Well if I had four eyes I'd want to find out which one was dominant!
                        I often use large words I don't really understand in an attempt to appear more photosynthesis.


                        • #13

                          Nic Barrow likes to recommend you 'place your mind in neutral by concentrating HARD on just ONE thing'. I agree with you that for anyone who isn't at a professional level a very good one is to concentrate very hard at BOB. I also believe for anyone over 40yrs of age this should be done at the front pause or if a player has one then right around the rear pause. Concentrating hard on one thing will tend to put a player into the 'zone' (hopefully).

                          The idea being to ENSURE the eyes are locked on the object ball at the time of strike (after all snooker has to be all about hand-eye coordination doesn't it? - some people would disagree with that statement but I believe it to be true). IN OTHER WORDS, THE HAND (meaning the grip hand and thus the cue) WILL FOLLOW THE EYES.

                          I also note the 'dominant' or 'preferred' eye thing has raised its ugly head again. The whole point is NOT to find out which is your preferred eye but rather is what you see when you are down sighting along the cue identical to the line of aim you selected when standing up? If it isn't, then there might be some adjustment required and I recommend turning the head just a bit to favour the eye the brain PREFERS to derive the sighting image from.

                          For everyone who didn't see my other post, here's a very simple way to check and see if you are using the image from the preferred eye to sight along the cue. With no balls on the table, get down into the address position behind the yellow spot and aim your cue at the EDGE OF THE LEATHER on the opposite top pocket (the edge between the leather and the top cushion, which gives you an exact aiming and sighting point). Now staying in the address position alternately close each eye and check and see if from one of the eyes the cue looks exactly on the line of aim and from the other it's very hard to tell. Obviously the eye that looks right on the line of aim is the one your brain prefers.

                          If you get this result there's no need to adjust anything and stick with what you have and concentrate on BOB when sighting.

                          If you get the result that the cue doesn't appear to be exactly on the line of aim from EITHER EYE, then try turning your head slightly first to the left and alternately close the eyes and then to the right until you find a spot where from one of the eyes the cue looks to be pointed EXACTLY at the edge of the leather and note what position the head is in and use that position going forward until you can do it naturally and forget about it. (Of course you must also be COMFORTABLE).

                          Terry Davidson
                          IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by throtts View Post
                            "Back of ball", back of the object ball. "Back" being the correct point of contact to execute the pot.
                            Can anyone point me to more information on this sighting method?

                            I assume that I "look" at an imagined spot on the back of the object ball which is 180° to the pocket. However, if I now "aim" by pointing my cue through the centre of the white ball to this imagined spot, I am going to be well off target because the cue ball (being spherical) will not contact the object ball where I am pointing.

                            Have I misunderstood something?


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by gnomus View Post
                              Can anyone point me to more information on this sighting method?

                              I assume that I "look" at an imagined spot on the back of the object ball which is 180° to the pocket. However, if I now "aim" by pointing my cue through the centre of the white ball to this imagined spot, I am going to be well off target because the cue ball (being spherical) will not contact the object ball where I am pointing.

                              Have I misunderstood something?
                              I think the idea is to put an imaginary ball in the plant position bob then have an imaginary line through the middle and pick that line out on the ball on, i prefer to just imagine an imaginary plant in front of ball on, different strokes for different folks i guess...
                              Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning...

