Originally Posted by Belloz22
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BOB is on the side on the object ball, the middle of the cue ball isn't though. If you're looking at the invisible point where the middle of the cue ball will end up then no wonder you're having trouble. You're aiming at the wrong point by looking down the line of the cue, through the cue ball and onto the contact point.
Find the line of aim when standing behind the shot and seeing the contact point between the two balls and focus on it. This will give your brain the information that what you are trying to do is make the two balls contact on this exact point. The brain will subconsciously put your body in the right place and the cue on the correct line without you having to consciously think about where the cue should lie in relation to the two contact points.
Never ever consciously point the cue through the cue ball onto the contact point of the object ball on angled shots as this will put the cue on the wrong line and you end up overiding the subconscious that controls natural hand and eye co-ordination.
This is what I mean by playing without thinking and simply looking where you need to look at the correct time.
You are consciously aiming at the wrong spot rather than just looking, seeing and focussing subconsciously.