Originally Posted by Belloz22
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I have come to the conclusion that if you are going to go down the coaching route you should get a coach who has a track record and stick with him either once a month you should see him.
this way he can plan your progress and each time you come back he can point out if you have progressed from the last visit or you have gone back to your old habits.
this is what I am starting next week I agreed with a coach I would see him once every 2 weeks for one hour, this should give me and him a good plan of action we can both work on.
I just want to ask you one question, if you do believe that your issue is sighting. how do you know?
surely if you could tell when you are down that you are not on line you would get up. I can see the if you get down on a line with your eyes fixed on the correct spot on BOB but your cueing arm is not in line to deliver the cueball to that spot you could cue across the shot, however this wouldn't happen on every shot.
I think that the only way categorically you can prove this, is to do a close up video of a shot you miss quite often.
make sure that you drop down on the line you see, keep absolutely still, cue slowly and follow through in a smooth action until you wrist hits your chest. stay down until the object ball is missed (or potted). do this for 5 minutes then download Kinovea its video analysis software. load the video into the program and run it frame by frame.
if then you detect no movement either from your head, body or cueing arm and missed the pot then u can say you have a sighting issue and can explore that in more detail.