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How long had you been playng before you made break of

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  • How long had you been playng before you made break of

    Wonder if member could answer the following (No porkies)
    How long had you been playing before you could make a regular break of

    150 +

    I have been playing 18 months and my best breaks are between 20 - 35.

  • #2
    Used to play in my teens, but not particularly well...

    Now, 20 odd years later, and playing for the past few weeks, my best break is 37 so far.

    Average "Break", though, is around the 25 mark.


    • #3
      I've been playing for a similar amount of time as you and I'm currently making fairly regular 30-40 breaks. I made my first 20 within about a couple of months of starting and made my first 50 about 8 months ago.


      • #4
        I used to play regular pool when I was in my teens and was able to knock in 20s regularly when I started.

        I had been playing for about 4 years and then gave it up for 4 years.

        I am now playing regular with 2 months and my highest since I started playing again is 42.

        My highest break is 54 I think.
        38 in a Tournament
        98 in a Lineup


        • #5
          ive been playing for 8 months, had not picked up a cue for 6 yrs before and only messed about when I was young, to busy partying,now im 34 and settled down, decided to give snooker a good go and I practice at least 5 days a week for 2-3hrs, and play matches against other players and play in my local league on a Wednesday,
          had 3 2hr coaching lessons,
          ive had a 138 total clearance on the line up,
          86 in practise,
          78 in a match,
          and knock in 30- 40 breaks most nights wen I play against someone,
          some times a 50 0r 60 break once a week,say once a week.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by greatwhite View Post
            ive been playing for 8 months, had not picked up a cue for 6 yrs before and only messed about when I was young, to busy partying,now im 34 and settled down, decided to give snooker a good go and I practice at least 5 days a week for 2-3hrs, and play matches against other players and play in my local league on a Wednesday,
            had 3 2hr coaching lessons,
            ive had a 138 total clearance on the line up,
            86 in practise,
            78 in a match,
            and knock in 30- 40 breaks most nights wen I play against someone,
            some times a 50 0r 60 break once a week,say once a week.
            what I meant to say is once I week I ormally make a 50 upwards break,


            • #7
              Started playing when I was 13

              10 - 13
              20 - 13
              30 - 13
              40 - 14
              50 - 14
              60 - 14
              70 - 14
              80 - 14
              100 - 15
              150 (never made one)
              147 (never made one)

              My highest is 144 which I made when I was 21/22 can't quite be sure.


              • #8
                Started playing a month ago regularly (Before that it was the odd go down the snooker place before a night out), only play round the local, I am still all over the shop, I'm usually just getting 4 balls a go if that, sometimes I'll sneak into the 30's but then miss the easiest pots ever. Lack of concentration for me.

                So basically, about a month to get into the 30's, need to learn to concentrate more.

