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A day with Chris Small

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  • Hi itsnoteasy

    I have plenty of experience playing snooker with a bad back and I can tell you that its not easy. If your having a bad day with your back then it can affect your game big time ie not getting to the shots as easy as you should be. It can also muck up your set up position as I had to alter my stance depending on how bad my back was feeling. Also you can lose concentration very easily as you are thinking about the back more. Dont be so hard on yourself mate.

    Cheers Chris small


    • Well I had the billiards on Tuesday night, got well and truly walloped lol, but believe it or not I played very well(I can't play really, I don't even know all the rules or what you get for what so I just pot the red all the time unless there is something obvious)played a very very good billiards player and I just couldn't out pot him, lost 100/78 and deservedly so, but my cueing was good so I was kind of happy in defeat (I only play as I treat it as another half hours practice, and it's for free lol).
      Today was a bit all over the place, so went right back to start, really tried hard on aiming, really tried hard to get down on the line, settle pause ,nice relaxed feathers,front and most importantly for me back pause and lock on that spot, ignoring everything but that spot, and nice relaxed delivery, and as if by magic, after ten mins or so I was playing very well indeed, panic over, it turned out to be my biggest fault, I'm a very lazy bugger with my technique. Do you ever reach a point when you don't have to try, it's just ingrained in you,as when I played darts a lot I could stand and natter with someone and hit ton forty after ton forty, and hardly even be looking at the board as the throw was so ingrained.
      Something I have been meaning to ask, is when I am on the green side of the table and having to slightly stretch for the white so that my right leg is back behind my left ,so my stance is kind of the wrong way round so I can reach the white, I can sometimes cue across the ball, is there a way to stop this, if I really concentrate of delivering the cue straight it helps most of the time but not always.
      Last edited by itsnoteasy; 29 August 2013, 03:53 PM.
      This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


      • Hi itsnoteasy

        Its all about discipline mate. If you have a set routine for every shot all the time you will notice a big improvement. Its the same when players are faced with an easy shot, they dont take enough care over the shot and they either miss the shot or run out of position. The only way round this is to treat every shot the same. You have to treat the game with respect at all times because if you dont then the game of snooker will never forgive you and will punish you to the max. On the subject of you getting lazy the pre shot routine will sort that out for you mate and helps with concentration also. Your technique is fine jim its your routine behind the shot that you should be concerned about and making sure the eyes are fixed on bob before the strike. The green side of the table aspect is just making sure your comfortable on the shot and if your steady on the front pause then everythings fine.

        Cheers Chris small


        • Right that is it, shot routine is all I am practicing from now on, nothing else. I will behave myself and really focus on this, thanks Chris, I tended to get carried away with potting .
          This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


          • Today I have ordered new wardrobes for the bedroom(the mrs has been moaning for a mere ten years so I like to keep on top of things) the brucie bonus to this is I have claimed the door off one of the old ones which has a full sized mirror on it, this is going in the shed and I can now practice my walk in and head position at home.
            Last edited by itsnoteasy; 1 September 2013, 08:48 PM. Reason: Spelling
            This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


            • Yeah yeah, bet your going to practice your dancing lol
              Sorry just watching Footloose (for some strange reason)


              • Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                Yeah yeah, bet your going to practice your dancing lol
                Sorry just watching Footloose (for some strange reason)
                FOOTLOOSE!!!!!! Wtf lol.
                This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                • Hi itsnoteasy

                  Get a line put right down the middle of the mirror jim and when you practice the walk in make sure the middle of body and the nose are bang on line and it will be easy to spot any deviation off line. Hope you enjoy your new toy.

                  Cheers Chris small


                  • That's the plan Chris, it has to speed things along a bit if I can see what I'm doing.
                    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                    • Hadnt been since Thursday, too tired, so when i went today, i wasnt expecting much, but i cued ok from the start, then something happened, it just clicked, i felt it was just right, the arm was completely relaxed, no tension in the grip, stayed still and locked on (most of the time) so i scattered ten reds on the table around the black and pink spot and put the black on the spot, after a few attempts of fours to sixes, i did it i cleared ten reds and blacks, i am over half way to a 147 lol ,someone came in so i stopped and was nattering to them, and just playing long shots as we were talking, and was slotting in ninety percent of them, i hope i have cracked the technique, as the breaks will follow, probably back on here tomorrow moaning i cant pot a thing, but today was a great day for me.
                      This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                      • Hi itsnoteasy

                        Im not surprised mate. Lining up with centre body and keeping the line of aim on the walk in and they will fly in. Knew you where capable and a bit off practice and things willget even better. Have you used the mirror yet?


                        • Hi whats the mirror thing.


                          • Originally Posted by Andrew watt View Post
                            Hi whats the mirror thing.
                            a nightmare i imagine where you see all your classic mistakes in the mirror!


                            • Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                              a nightmare i imagine where you see all your classic mistakes in the mirror!
                              Sounds it. Just seen it a few posts up.


                              • Hi andrew

                                The mirror is for itsnoteasy to practice his walk in to the shot. He can see if he is going in offline which is a great idea. Alot of people make mistakes as they have no idea that they are doing certain things wrong. At least itsnoteasy can rectify any problem here.

                                Cheers Chris small

