Chris after many weeks of practicing my walk in like you showed me, things were going great, i put the mirror in the shed with a bit of string down the middle to line up with(i was only expecting, this to confirm what i had been doing was correct), lined myself up, took a step forward, and holey moley, i went off line immediately , it was more like a snake in than a walk in, i couldnt believe it. I fixed it by making sure my left legs first movement was straight forward, so its feet together, left leg mini step straight forward, this kept my head still and online, and straight down, with my right leg going where it feels comfortable lol.
I wasnt sure if this mirror lark would work, but it doesnt half show this type of fault up really well, and unless you have a coach on tap, its not a bad second best, could be handy to check everything is inline once down on the shot.
I wasnt sure if this mirror lark would work, but it doesnt half show this type of fault up really well, and unless you have a coach on tap, its not a bad second best, could be handy to check everything is inline once down on the shot.