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A day with Chris Small

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  • Chris after many weeks of practicing my walk in like you showed me, things were going great, i put the mirror in the shed with a bit of string down the middle to line up with(i was only expecting, this to confirm what i had been doing was correct), lined myself up, took a step forward, and holey moley, i went off line immediately , it was more like a snake in than a walk in, i couldnt believe it. I fixed it by making sure my left legs first movement was straight forward, so its feet together, left leg mini step straight forward, this kept my head still and online, and straight down, with my right leg going where it feels comfortable lol.
    I wasnt sure if this mirror lark would work, but it doesnt half show this type of fault up really well, and unless you have a coach on tap, its not a bad second best, could be handy to check everything is inline once down on the shot.
    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


    • itsnoteasy:

      If you can place a small chest of drawers or something that is about 2ft, 8.5in tall then you could also take a look at you in the address position

      Terry Davidson
      IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


      • Thanks Terry, i take it thats how high a table is, i have the mirror behind a workbench so i can check myself right through the routine, but its a bit higher than a table (not measured it just feels it)i can adjust the height so i will bring it down to that height.
        This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


        • I wonder Chris what you make of this method I found on the internet, I heard similar methods in pool being used.

          you select the contact point on the OB then line up the leading edge of cueball (the same side to which you want the OB will travel) this line should be center to the body, so it could be that the line runs directly between your legs one foot each side, or one foot could be on the line it depends how you stand but as long as its centred to the body that's what's important.

          now this next step is where I was sceptical and a lot will think its not going to work, however for some reason it worked a treat with me. you shift the body i.e twisting it so the center of your body is now lined up with the center of the cueball but not moving the feet much, so you should be standing in the stance position, you get down on this line while keeping your eye on the contact point do your feathers and deliver the cue straight.

          I have had two sessions trying this out and for some reason I am potting better than ever, especially on shots I use to find difficult. even my long potting improved. this method works best for any angle from 1/4 ball to 3/4 ball.

          I am the most sceptical person when it comes to all these aiming systems that pop up every day, especially when it is associated with pool. but when I saw this and thought about it a bit it made sense.

          for instance think of a 1/2 ball shot lets say blue to the middle cutting to the right from the green side of the table, if you line up the right edge of the cueball to the contact point it will be lined with the center of the blue, now when you twist you body to line up with the center of the cueball in effect you have shifted by half a ball width and now the center of the white should be lined with the edge of the blue, which we all know for half ball pots this is true.

          this is why I thought it made sense. I have always found it difficult to imagine the contact points between the white and the OB and this method gives me something physical to line up rather than guessing.

          well at the moment I not saying is fool proof and maybe down the line it turns out not to work, all I can say after two sessions I have seen improvements which has given me confidence, I will report back in a few weeks once I have practiced this method enough to make an informed judgement on its validity.

          I wonder what Chris makes of it and anyone else, comments welcome

          Last edited by alabadi; 10 September 2013, 12:15 PM.


          • Hi itsnoteasy

            Its very hard keeping the line right through the walk in but what your doing is correct ie mini step feet close together and keep practising it mate. Eventually becomes second nature. It sounds like your on the right track form wise so keep up the good work.

            Cheers Chris small


            • Hi alabbadi

              That method doesnt sound as reliable as my method personally I dont fancy it plus I have never heard of this method so it must be a pool thing. But if it works for you mate then carry on with it.

              Cheers Chris small


              • yes Chris i wasn't sure at all, however because using the leading edge of the cueball to line up the shot to start with it gives a clear indicator to work with.

                i'm enjoying the benefits so far, now why that is not sure, so im sticking with it for now. who know it might be the start of something good


                • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                  Hadnt been since Thursday, too tired, so when i went today, i wasnt expecting much, but i cued ok from the start, then something happened, it just clicked, i felt it was just right, the arm was completely relaxed, no tension in the grip, stayed still and locked on (most of the time) so i scattered ten reds on the table around the black and pink spot and put the black on the spot, after a few attempts of fours to sixes, i did it i cleared ten reds and blacks, i am over half way to a 147 lol ,someone came in so i stopped and was nattering to them, and just playing long shots as we were talking, and was slotting in ninety percent of them, i hope i have cracked the technique, as the breaks will follow, probably back on here tomorrow moaning i cant pot a thing, but today was a great day for me.
                  with this in mind, I wonder if you or Chris have any thoughts on why on some practice sessions everything goes in then the next day you can barely get 16 or 24...

                  I go from one extreme to another. I'm an low to average ability player - 30 break standard, and in one session yesterday I did a 75 clearance and a few 30's. I play the next day and I'm missing blues of the spot.

                  With a couple of coaching sessions I'm ironing out my big tech problems, I've shortened my backswing and become more compact, I'm walking into the shot better than ever and I'm feeling more positive and confident than I've ever been but I occasionally I just 'dont perform'. Is it concentration?

                  Any thoughts?
                  #jeSuisMasterBlasterBarryWhite2v1977Luclex(andHisF ictiousTwin)BigSplash!


                  • BC, form is a funny thing , you can feel you are doing everything the same but one day great, next nothing, that's form, but(here is the hope for us) routine can become permanent, I went yesterday, potted well, but when trying to do the same thing, I just kept running out of position, or those little nudges, you need the white slipped off the side of the red, or with a little nudge to split a little cluster it would stick instead of coming away, or another one was a cannon to hold for the black hit too thin and snookered on it, nothing ran for me at all, but I stuck with my shot routine as this will get me there eventually,when I played darts, what happened was, I would have a great streak (when just becoming a decent standard) then lose it, then get it, but when I lost it again I was still better than before and it lasted a bit longer, then the dip would not be as long and I wouldn't slip as far, until eventually, even when I was bad I was very good lol, hope any or some of that makes sense as this is what I feel is happening with my snooker, even on a bad day it's far better than a good day when I first started, and I TRUST MY ROUTINE, no fiddling just doing it better.
                    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                    • Hi bc

                      When you are playing well you are probably doing all the basics correctly and hit a bit of form. On days that you are not playing so well you are probably doing a few of the basics incorrectly. Its all about being consistent with everything all the time and then you may notice more consistency in your play.

                      Cheers Chris small


                      • Just thought I would add my recommendations on. I’ve now had my fourth lesson from Chris and I have noticed a massive improvement in my game in such a short time and just as encouraging for me is my mates are noticing it too which add to my confidence so a big thanks Chris.
                        So far It’s not been massive changes that I’ve made but just the little things I either never realised or picked up on that Chris has had me address and slowly but surely its beginning to work . I’m back to really enjoying my snooker again so thanks.
                        If anyone else is thinking of getting some couching then to really should think about giving him a call top bloke and top coach all the best mate.


                        • i myself haven't got a clue whats gone wrong with my game over the last two weeks, for some reason i am playing the worst i have known for a long long time.

                          its really strange because in my coaching sessions everything seems fine, the coach is happy, my potting is above average yet its not happening when i go away.

                          with the league starting next Wednesday i'm getting worried. i mean today i played with a friend who i use to beat regular, yet he comfortable beat me fair and square i could string any breaks together, my safety was better either, leaving easy pots on, everything that could go wrong did. we have played 3 times over the last 2 weeks and he has beaten me 5-2 twice and 6-1 the other.

                          the hard part to take is that he hasn't got better or played tactical, no, i had plenty of situations that i should have taken advantage of but didn't or couldn't , and yet i have no explanation to why.

                          i'm just hoping it's just a temporary blip, because its frustrating as hell



                          • Hi ashbash

                            Thanks for the nice comments. Your doing well and keep up the good work. Vital that you try and get some table time now. See u in a fortnight.

                            Cheers Chris small


                            • You can't go wrong, Ashbash, I take it you are getting regular coaching from Chris, you lucky bugger, I am definitely going for another day with him next summer, I can't wait.
                              Alabadi , I feel for you, what you describe is the exact reason I went to see Chris in the first place, on a good day I was not badish but sometimes you wouldn't think I had potted a ball before, I needed to be shown an exact set up, and precise routine , so I had something to go back to when the form dipped, I think one of the best things Chris told me was, trust the routine, are you doing exactly what your coach has told you on every shot ? I know it's hard and I forget sometimes, but it is really ,really important , if you think you are, what are the reasons you are missing, maybe putting them up on here could get you an explanation .what do you practice, all I do is routine, and technique, it's all I concentrate on, and by doing this after a while I can tell exactly why I have missed a shot, so I can fix it.
                              This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                              • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                                Alabadi , I feel for you, what you describe is the exact reason I went to see Chris in the first place, on a good day I was not badish but sometimes you wouldn't think I had potted a ball before, I needed to be shown an exact set up, and precise routine , so I had something to go back to when the form dipped, I think one of the best things Chris told me was, trust the routine, are you doing exactly what your coach has told you on every shot ? I know it's hard and I forget sometimes, but it is really ,really important , if you think you are, what are the reasons you are missing, maybe putting them up on here could get you an explanation .what do you practice, all I do is routine, and technique, it's all I concentrate on, and by doing this after a while I can tell exactly why I have missed a shot, so I can fix it.
                                to be honest my coach hasn't done anything with me in regards how i approach the shot, all we do are routines for position, we are also doing routines to help with smooth cueing. he hasn't bothered about how i approach the shot.
                                like i said when i am doing a coaching session i play much better than normal so it frustrates me that i can't reproduce it in a match.

                                i am working hard in solo practice to nail down my approach to be consistant

