Alibaddi my advice is just focus on getting the middle of the body in line with the spot on the ob that you need to hit to pot the ball.I explained this on my previous post so you can imagine lining up with either your nose belly button or imagine a sheet of glass running from contact point of ob right through to middle of the body. Your tip will point at the target for full ball shots as its straight on but for angled shots your tip will be pointing outside the line of aim because if it was on the line of aim you would hit thick wouldnt you. So here is an example. Imagine standing behind a very thin shot were your contact point on ob is the extreme edge. From standing you would try and get middle of the body lined up to this extreme edge and then drop down on the shot. You should now be addressing centre of the white but your tip is pointed outside the line of aim because the extreme edge of cb is going to hit extreme edge of ob to pot the ball. So if your tip was pointing at contact point on ob you would hit this shot very verythick and miss the pot. So you have lined up the middle of the body to contact point but tip is outside this contact point to enable you to get this pot. So again my advice is focus on lining middle of the body to contact point and dropping down on this line and dont worry about where your tip is pointing as this is something I never worried about and just gives you something else to think about. I hope this has helped and next time you are down the club set up a very thin cut and you will see what im talking about.
Cheers Chris small
Cheers Chris small