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A grip observation I cant rid my mind of- please help

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  • A grip observation I cant rid my mind of- please help

    OK now I shall try to be short and to the point but I do not even know how to explain this thing. Its pretty much something htat has been in my mind and observation for quite some time now, I have been trying to figure it out as to what is it and why is it made like that ... but well uptil now nothing concrete in my mind. I shall try to explain. Please have a look at the pictures of the grip hand of some snooker pros here under:


    I have encircled their grip hands in all pictures. If you will notice closely the web of the skin between upper outer thumb and upper outer forefinger has a pronounced line of skin i.e. its rather fat and pretty visible. When I form a grip there is no sort of an uppish bubble in the skin like that... i used to think it was just Ros doing it with his hand but when I saw others as well like here and many more I thought of asking what do you think it would be.

    the only thing that comes to my snookering mind is that perhaps these pros play with or hold the cue but from the inner area of thiumb and inner forefinger then maybe that is why the outer skin goes up or slides up a bit forming that bubblish texure... Is that correct and if yes then it should mean that that is the way to go and hold a cue ?????

    what I think on this area is this: 1. I am going bonkers and this is bollocks 2. There is something in it as it has caught my attention for quite some time and I might be on to something.

    Please help guys !!!
    "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd

  • #2
    The ideal "grip" should be "gripped" by the upper V (inside of the thumb and fore finger). i.e your cue should still be held in place when all your fingers are open.

    This is ideally how it should be held....... with the rest of the fingers just wrapping around it (firm but not restrictive).

    You should trying cue with all the fingers open. It will be difficult at first...but once you get the hang of it with the just using the long bone of your arm to deliver with no change in pressure in the wrist you will be fine..

    Anyway you would want Terry to comment.
    Last edited by Izzyfcuk; 17 July 2013, 02:34 PM.


    • #3
      I messed about for a long while trying to mimic ros' grip. I found that it felt uncomfortable and I kept reverting back to all fingers around the cue. I only tell you that to illustrate what I am(and I'm sure the coaches will be along soon) about to say.

      The configuration of the grip isn't important. I believe a loose comfortable grip is all that's required. Consider ros left and right handed, jamie cope, Steve Davis john Higgins mark Williams etc etc. They all have different grips and they all are 100 break players. Look in my sig for Steve Davis's opinion on they've grip.

      I think you're suffering from paralysis of analysis!
      Steve Davis Technical Articles =


      • #4
        Yes inside the thumb and first finger, or the eye of the hand, then the cue lays in the bed of the hand and you wrap your fingers around. So, you lay in your bed, wrap the covers around, close your eye and dream of maxean

        How's line line of reds coming along sidd?


        • #5
          Going by this there's a few different grips that can work depending on the individual, not one grip suits all...
          Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning...


          • #6
            Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
            Yes inside the thumb and first finger, or the eye of the hand, then the cue lays in the bed of the hand and you wrap your fingers around. So, you lay in your bed, wrap the covers around, close your eye and dream of maxean

            How's line line of reds coming along sidd?
            That's my grip, my fingers do all curl around the butt, but it is not tight and I get through the white still nicely. This grip business is one of a huge talk on this board and I feel its been way over complicated. I think too many drop fingers off the butt even in the paused address position, this, IMO, looses the important contact point. If I loose a contact point I feel wrong, very wrong on the shot.

            Jmo, guys...
            JP Majestic
            9.5mm Elk


            • #7
              Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
              Yes inside the thumb and first finger, or the eye of the hand, then the cue lays in the bed of the hand and you wrap your fingers around. So, you lay in your bed, wrap the covers around, close your eye and dream of maxean

              How's line line of reds coming along sidd?
              This is now my grip, it had gotten too loose Chris sorted it out
              This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


              • #8

                This time you are expending minutely examining the grip of all the pros would be better suited if you used it to actually practice. In the first case, not all your pictures are the same, and by that I mean you are looking at the grips when they are in different parts of the cue action. Shaun Murphy and the next one are at the end of the delivery whereas ROS is in his backswing.

                In order to compare grips between the pros you have to have pictures of them in their address position and not at either end of the backswing and delivery.

                What has been said above is correct. The 'ideal' grip recommended by most coaches (including myself) is to hold the cue with the very top of the thumb and forefinger but not applying a lot of pressure. As also recommended above try cueing that way for a bit during a solo practice session. The back 3 fingers just form a bed for the butt of the cue to rest on.

                NEVER, EVER look at individual players, pro or not, and pick up one tiny aspect of their set-up and try and copy it. Probably every pro has his own individual grip or hold on the cue and none of them will be exactly the same. The point on the grip is it should be relaxed but firm (I know, an oxymoron) but that is the best way to describe it.

                At the END of the backswing of course the butt gets pushed up into the web of skin between the thumb and forefinger and that is what you are seeing and then at the END of the delivery the forefinger comes off the cue a bit (like Ronnie) but that is done in order to keep the cue on a level plane. Amongst the pros you will never see that 'pump handle' cue action that you see with some of the pool pros, especially Phillipinos like Bustamonte.

                The point to remember regarding the grip is it should not change its basic configuration during the delivery that it had at the address position and ESPECIALLY the wrist joint should not be turned at all during the delivery (or at least until the very end of the delivery as the hand hits the chest).

                As was said 'paralysis of analysis' indeed! If you are going to minutely analyse videos and still pictures of pros then at first you should get trained as a Master Coach by Nic Barrow so you can fully understand and appreciate what you are seeing.

                Terry Davidson
                IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                • #9
                  Poor old, Sidd. This grip business has got a grip of him..

                  Sidd, you must just play with a grip that feels natural to yourself and one that is comfortable. If your thinking about your grip while playing then it really will screw you up. Just relax, buddy..
                  JP Majestic
                  9.5mm Elk


                  • #10
                    i think that you have not fully understood the importance of wrist position. Maybe you should try to keep focus on you wrist and what it does while you are cueing. = "The wrist joint should not be turned at all during the delivery".


                    • #11
                      Thanks guys...

                      Well I never mentioned that I have started playing like that or trying to do so given that I have just recovered from all the problems i have ever had in my game after uploading the video and am concentrating only on three things i.e. 1. outward wrist cock throughout the stroke 2. eliminating shoulder from delivery and the elbow drop and 3. boxers stance particularly the placement of the bent leg. My game is improving or at least I am back on the level I used to be before ruining things for me in the past and so now I can really consider serious improvement. I will however try this out in solo - sorry cant help it

                      Paralysis of analysis well yes indeed I have become like this in snooker for some reason that I do not know about. But I am happy that previously I used to try everything out even on the match table and get confused and in despair etc but now well now it isnt like that anymore and I am happy to state that now I see such a thing in technique yes I ponder over it that I cant help but I do not bring it in my game unless I think about it myself. Question myself as to why do I need that. Do I even need that. How will it improve my game (logic) etc this is what Nic Barrow teaches as well yeah question yourself before you try something new. Then ask people over here on the forum about it in order to know about it in full and then decide whether or not to go about it. The same is now going to be the case with things that I learn from the forum from other people's posts... Previously I was desperate and would see something and think maybe i am not doign this that is why my game is suffering and then would try it out in the game then another thing then another thing etc. Not anymore

                      Terry: you are right it is not the same throughout the stroke but well some pros like Ronnie has the same thing even in address and during the early part delivery and of that I am sure. It is not as pronounced as it is during the back swing. Anyway, to cut it short now I had no ambitions of analysing things givne that I am still a student of the game a bad and a very naughty student I must say. So yes analysing pictures and videos etc no way impossible I cant do that for this is not my cup of tea and suits only the professionals of the likes of Nic and Terry and others.

                      I was just being curious yes curiosity killed the cat but then I have been killed 9 times before due to this- hence I am a new cat and not the one that finished its 9 lives But i have been thinking about it quite a lot and have the answer like:

                      For Ronnie to have just a things its very easy he does not use his forefinger in the grip and hence his pistol grip favours having that skin bubble easily. Similarly, the butt of the is either a bit larger causing this skin bubble or else using inner thumb and inner forefinger to hold causes this... if the later does then perhaps something to learn from it... !

                      I will not concentrate on getting this now when I go to the club I promise I will only play with the grip that is natural to me ... I am still trying the wrist cock so even that is enough for me.

                      Thanks all again and Cheers !!!
                      "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
                        How's line line of reds coming along sidd?
                        Well it is not that bad really.

                        firstly, I could not manage yet to put up a video so far and havent been getting time for solo either. However, last night I took 9 out of fifteen reds in the line up (without colours- just reds) so I am pretty much sure that my time and effort are going to yield fruit very soon indeed
                        "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


                        • #13
                          Its been a long time and your dragging your feet m8:snooker:.. But, I notice your English is getting better

                          Originally Posted by Sidd View Post
                          Well it is not that bad really.

                          firstly, I could not manage yet to put up a video so far and havent been getting time for solo either. However, last night I took 9 out of fifteen reds in the line up (without colours- just reds) so I am pretty much sure that my time and effort are going to yield fruit very soon indeed


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
                            Its been a long time and your dragging your feet m8:snooker:.. But, I notice your English is getting better
                            Indeed yes but then this is simply due to the fact that I do not get enough time or chance for solo practice. Otherwise I am just about there as for the English, I believe, it always was and improving ...

                            "I am still endeavouring to meet someone funnier than my life" - Q. M. Sidd


                            • #15
                              This is a tought topic and i have struggling with the grip too. If I understand, does it mean to grip with your inner thump and first finger in a way that you are able to hold to cue even if your other four fingers are pointin to the floor?
                              I have been holding a cue just by using four fingers and not really using a thump at all. The cue is just restin on my four fingers and the thump is not putting almost any pressure. Is this inefective for power shots?
                              I think I have noticed that if i hold the cue only with my inner thump and first finger then I am able to get more cue power. I dont know why?
                              If I hold the cue only with the inner thump and first inner finger then I must apply more grip pressure, otherwise the cue falls on the floor rather than cue is just restin on you four fingers. If you only use you inner thump and first finger, then the cue is not anymore resting, you are actully gripping a bit.

                              Any thoughts!

