I have a problem with this...
Yesterday, for example, I played a 3 hour solo session - mostly line up.
First 5 minutes I was awful until getting into the swing of things.
10 minutes in, I got my 2nd highest line up break of 72. Dowhill gradually from there, with a few 40s and 50s thrown in, But with many 3,4 or 5 ball breaks in between.
Is this normal? I'd have thought I should be getting at least 40 every go, as everything is ideally placed.
Or am I trying to improve too rapidly and that's causing problems? (Only broke the 40 barrier a few weeks ago)
Didn't help that I chipped the Kamui tip a couple of times and it was almost down to the brass
Yesterday, for example, I played a 3 hour solo session - mostly line up.
First 5 minutes I was awful until getting into the swing of things.
10 minutes in, I got my 2nd highest line up break of 72. Dowhill gradually from there, with a few 40s and 50s thrown in, But with many 3,4 or 5 ball breaks in between.
Is this normal? I'd have thought I should be getting at least 40 every go, as everything is ideally placed.
Or am I trying to improve too rapidly and that's causing problems? (Only broke the 40 barrier a few weeks ago)
Didn't help that I chipped the Kamui tip a couple of times and it was almost down to the brass
