First of all, let's start with a few facts:
1. In order to drop the elbow the upper arm must move down and this is done ONLY by the shoulder muscle.
2. The cue should be kept on a straight and almost level plane throughout both the backswing and delivery.
3. Getting the shoulder muscle involved in the delivery brings in inaccurate cueing UNLESS the player is able to drop the upper arm and elbow perfectly straight.
4. On a longer backswing the upper arm and elbow MUST DROP in order to keep the cue on that level plane.
5. Dropping the elbow at the VERY END of a power shot is sometimes necessary because of the accelerated mass of the cue and necessity of not stopping or slowing it down too early in the delivery.
So this all begs the question...on all but the most powerful shots why drop the elbow at all on the delivery? The answer is because some players, especially those with a normally shorter backswing, will unconsciously use BOTH the muscle underneath the upper arm and the shoulder muscle in order to accelerate the cue faster to get more power instead of making their backswing longer and more proportional to the amount of power required.
So, in summary, it is good to drop the elbow perhaps one inch or so on a longer backswing and then at the start of the delivery return it to its highest position so it is in that position (the same position as at address) at the time of strike.
In the delivery there are no advantages to dropping the elbow at all except to get more power but that comes at the expense of accuracy for any player who cannot drop the elbow perfectly straight. This also means if a player is to drop his elbow during the delivery then he MUST have the elbow directly over the cue or otherwise he won't be able to drop the elbow perfectly vertical and will take the butt of the cue off the line of aim.
Think about it and decide if you are one of the vast majority of players who should not bring the shoulder muscle into the delivery at all. I would say less than 5% of shots are of a power that will force the elbow to drop NATURALLY at the end of the delivery and this is quite alright but the danger is that player will start dropping the elbow BEFORE THE STRIKE.
I now realize this and you can check my video out on the other string and you will see my elbow starts to drop early and it drops to the right of my body and my grip hand ends up well to the right.
After watching the German PTC and the 6-red and checking every pro for when and how they drop their elbows during the delivery I can guarantee you none of them are and that includes Ronnie, Robertson, Dott, Mark Davis, Shaun Murphy, Mark Selby, John Higgins and every one I watched although Ronnie will do a BIG elbow drop on a power shot but not on any lower power shots.
The famous elbow droppers were Joe Davis (did it to get past his chest as he had a severe boxer's stance), Tony Knowles (who did it on EVERY shot) and probably a few others I can't think of right now but I can now say they didn't get any advantage out of it and might have even suffered from a loss of accuracy although with their records the answer is they probably dropped the elbow straight down all the time.
1. In order to drop the elbow the upper arm must move down and this is done ONLY by the shoulder muscle.
2. The cue should be kept on a straight and almost level plane throughout both the backswing and delivery.
3. Getting the shoulder muscle involved in the delivery brings in inaccurate cueing UNLESS the player is able to drop the upper arm and elbow perfectly straight.
4. On a longer backswing the upper arm and elbow MUST DROP in order to keep the cue on that level plane.
5. Dropping the elbow at the VERY END of a power shot is sometimes necessary because of the accelerated mass of the cue and necessity of not stopping or slowing it down too early in the delivery.
So this all begs the question...on all but the most powerful shots why drop the elbow at all on the delivery? The answer is because some players, especially those with a normally shorter backswing, will unconsciously use BOTH the muscle underneath the upper arm and the shoulder muscle in order to accelerate the cue faster to get more power instead of making their backswing longer and more proportional to the amount of power required.
So, in summary, it is good to drop the elbow perhaps one inch or so on a longer backswing and then at the start of the delivery return it to its highest position so it is in that position (the same position as at address) at the time of strike.
In the delivery there are no advantages to dropping the elbow at all except to get more power but that comes at the expense of accuracy for any player who cannot drop the elbow perfectly straight. This also means if a player is to drop his elbow during the delivery then he MUST have the elbow directly over the cue or otherwise he won't be able to drop the elbow perfectly vertical and will take the butt of the cue off the line of aim.
Think about it and decide if you are one of the vast majority of players who should not bring the shoulder muscle into the delivery at all. I would say less than 5% of shots are of a power that will force the elbow to drop NATURALLY at the end of the delivery and this is quite alright but the danger is that player will start dropping the elbow BEFORE THE STRIKE.
I now realize this and you can check my video out on the other string and you will see my elbow starts to drop early and it drops to the right of my body and my grip hand ends up well to the right.
After watching the German PTC and the 6-red and checking every pro for when and how they drop their elbows during the delivery I can guarantee you none of them are and that includes Ronnie, Robertson, Dott, Mark Davis, Shaun Murphy, Mark Selby, John Higgins and every one I watched although Ronnie will do a BIG elbow drop on a power shot but not on any lower power shots.
The famous elbow droppers were Joe Davis (did it to get past his chest as he had a severe boxer's stance), Tony Knowles (who did it on EVERY shot) and probably a few others I can't think of right now but I can now say they didn't get any advantage out of it and might have even suffered from a loss of accuracy although with their records the answer is they probably dropped the elbow straight down all the time.