OK, so third attempt at a video today.
I was using my cheapo Chinese maple cue today, but it felt fine.
Things I was working on mainly, was: Distance between bridge hand and CB, bridge hand ON SLATE where possible and trying to address the CB a bit closer. Still a way to go, but feels better.
Also, I was trying more of a 'walk-in'... More of a right foot, left foot shimmy but it seemed to work ok.
I missed a pink at 5:40 on 64 (from memory, I got a kick) but kept going to 92 ( I think ).
I was using my cheapo Chinese maple cue today, but it felt fine.
Things I was working on mainly, was: Distance between bridge hand and CB, bridge hand ON SLATE where possible and trying to address the CB a bit closer. Still a way to go, but feels better.
Also, I was trying more of a 'walk-in'... More of a right foot, left foot shimmy but it seemed to work ok.
I missed a pink at 5:40 on 64 (from memory, I got a kick) but kept going to 92 ( I think ).