I have always been a fast player, don't take any time in lining up the shot, just see it and get down and play it. Someone once told me that when I'm into a break I get faster and faster until I eventually miss.
I've often wondered why it is that I can play so fast over short periods of time and make big breaks in two or three minutes and then go long periods without putting three balls together.
Yesterday I think I cracked it, the human brains remarkable short term memory.
I was practising solo, as I often do, and a realisation came to me that when I'm flowing and in the zone for those couple or three minutes, I don't look at the object ball when I step into my stance.
I look at the cue ball only.
Of course I have looked at and focussed on the contact point of the object ball as I'm walking around the table and approaching it, but as I get to within a step away my eyes switch to the cue ball.
I then place my right foot, then my left foot and get down into my stance, all the while looking at the cue ball and addressing the tip of my cue to wherever on the cue ball I need to get the desired spin. Once down with the tip at the address position I pause it there, look up at the object ball and instinctively know where the contact point is, focus on it, and play the stroke.
To instinctively know where the contact point is after focussing only on the cue ball when getting down into my stance has to be the working of the short term memory, and I discovered that the moment that I switch my eyes to the cue ball is vital in getting my feet in the correct place.
Focussing still on the object ball when placing my right foot doesn't work for me at all, I have to be looking at the cue ball when placing both my feet.
I play very quickly as a rule, but discovering this I thought about it and slowed my game down so that I did it deliberately absolutely every single time and found that it worked very, very well when in close but not very well when at distance.
I tinkered with it a bit for distance shots and found that once I'd looked at the cue ball and placed my feet, I needed to switch my eyes from cue ball to object ball as I got down into my stance and this worked very well when at distance.
Now this is all very well in solo practise, but I believe that I have found the secret to my inconsistancy. I have to play fast knowing that I instinctively look at the cue ball before I place my right foot, or slow myself down and make certain that I do.
Focussing for too long on the object ball means placing at least my right foot when doing so and being in the wrong place. Not focussing on the contact point of the object ball before switching focus to the cue ball before placing my right foot also puts me in the wrong place.
I strongly believe that these are the reasons for my inconsistancy and I now have to inplement this in all my solo practise and match play.
It's going to be hard after thirty years of inconsistant struggle and frustration but I'm going to go for it.
I am not saying that anyone else should follow this, but I am human and I don't see myself as exceptional so I know I couldn't possibly be the only one who does this or for whom this could work.
I've often wondered why it is that I can play so fast over short periods of time and make big breaks in two or three minutes and then go long periods without putting three balls together.
Yesterday I think I cracked it, the human brains remarkable short term memory.
I was practising solo, as I often do, and a realisation came to me that when I'm flowing and in the zone for those couple or three minutes, I don't look at the object ball when I step into my stance.
I look at the cue ball only.
Of course I have looked at and focussed on the contact point of the object ball as I'm walking around the table and approaching it, but as I get to within a step away my eyes switch to the cue ball.
I then place my right foot, then my left foot and get down into my stance, all the while looking at the cue ball and addressing the tip of my cue to wherever on the cue ball I need to get the desired spin. Once down with the tip at the address position I pause it there, look up at the object ball and instinctively know where the contact point is, focus on it, and play the stroke.
To instinctively know where the contact point is after focussing only on the cue ball when getting down into my stance has to be the working of the short term memory, and I discovered that the moment that I switch my eyes to the cue ball is vital in getting my feet in the correct place.
Focussing still on the object ball when placing my right foot doesn't work for me at all, I have to be looking at the cue ball when placing both my feet.
I play very quickly as a rule, but discovering this I thought about it and slowed my game down so that I did it deliberately absolutely every single time and found that it worked very, very well when in close but not very well when at distance.
I tinkered with it a bit for distance shots and found that once I'd looked at the cue ball and placed my feet, I needed to switch my eyes from cue ball to object ball as I got down into my stance and this worked very well when at distance.
Now this is all very well in solo practise, but I believe that I have found the secret to my inconsistancy. I have to play fast knowing that I instinctively look at the cue ball before I place my right foot, or slow myself down and make certain that I do.
Focussing for too long on the object ball means placing at least my right foot when doing so and being in the wrong place. Not focussing on the contact point of the object ball before switching focus to the cue ball before placing my right foot also puts me in the wrong place.
I strongly believe that these are the reasons for my inconsistancy and I now have to inplement this in all my solo practise and match play.
It's going to be hard after thirty years of inconsistant struggle and frustration but I'm going to go for it.
I am not saying that anyone else should follow this, but I am human and I don't see myself as exceptional so I know I couldn't possibly be the only one who does this or for whom this could work.