I'm always catching myself, especially in a match and especially when playing for safety or a snooker, hitting the white with too vague a sense of the area I'm wanting to place it. Invariably that loose thinking results in me not getting close enough to the baulk cushion or failing to lay the snooker. Yet when I tighten up my discipline and try to think precisely how I'm going to hit the white with precisely the pace for where I want it to be, it usually ends up pretty close. This morning, for example, I played off the pink on the yellow side cushion to lay a snooker behind the black on its spot. I played for precisely what I ended up with, plumb behind and touching the black. On another day, though, I'll play the same shot vaguely hoping to get it somewhere near. I beat myself up sometimes for my 'approximate' mind set when I know it just ain't good enough, but then I fall into that 'approximate' habit again. Laziness? Lack of concentration? Lack of self-belief? Or just old age? There's so much to think about all the time and the balls never forgive you for slackness.
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Approximate isn't good enough
I think you have answered your own question actually but if it helps here is some of my thoughts on the subject.
Snooker is as much about what you leave as what you get. So put the effort in, treat the game with respect get your mind set right.
Take time to consider a safety too
I consider the variables by sometimes walking around the table to view the shot picking out approximately where I want to leave the white and try and imagine where would be the hardest area to get safe if I was the other guy. Sometimes one side of the table is better than the other for cutting off the natural angle safety return for the other guy - obviously getting the white behind a baulk ball is preferred but this is not always the best option - so don't just be lazy and hit it - have a look pick out a couple of options. Visualise the shots properly first and give yourself time to weigh these options - settle on one option visualise the shot and give yourself time to get comfortable with it.
Slack play comes with playing slack players. I used to do the same thing and sometimes now if playing these types of players I deliberately leave tempting - trap shots - longish shots with no element of safety available because they will inevitably go for them and leave me in. Then you can just pick them off.
I feel so adapt in the safety department I can now adapt my safety game now to how I am feeling as well. By this I mean playing different types of safety during the course of a game.
An attacking safety in which you hit thicker splitting the reds more can on the right occasion put the pressure on your opponent to make a pot and it can also make it harder to find a line back to baulk with the reds spread more too, or perhaps if I want to keep it tight thin safety off the edge of the pack or by playing off a loose ball off a rail bringing the white back up the table being careful to avoid a double kiss.
Then of course there is negative safety which can thrash the mind of the other guy giving you the edge in the mental side. Various safety shots in this mould are like - the dump shot or the roll up being careful not to leave a touching ball or when in playing a more natural safety you would be handing the advantage back the other guy. These are shots which are usually played when there is no way back to baulk or when it may be risky to do so. I like using the balls on the side cushions too - I remember I once got a great century after I realised my opponent hated playing off a cushion I remember he looked uncomfortable and told me he hated this type of shot. First chance I then got I remember I stunned a red into the pack off the side cushion leaving the white stuck to the side rail and spreading the reds everywhere - he then went for one in the middle - missed by a mile and left me on like a practice session on Christmas day.
Playing to my strengths and also my opponents weakness is a preferred strategy for me although I do mix it by playing attacking too when I feel in the mood. If you mix up good safety with this type of game it brings results and gains you just as much confidence in feeling in control of a frame with your safety as it does on those odd occasions when you are zoned in feeling confident and potting everything off the light shades but we cant all be Ronnie.
Sometimes it goes wrong or the other guy has a good run but over a long stretch in a match this tactic works more often than not for me and I always turn to my safety to try and get me an easy chance to get my arm and rhythm going again.
Obviously it must be noted that this tactic has lesser effect with the better standard of player against you because he no doubt will be doing something similar and will pot at a higher percentage of course so beware of this too but again unless you leave him he will struggle too.
I try a few practice routines on your own to maximise position - using a 5 10 20 pound note throw it on the table behind the baulk line - try and play off a ball down the table come off the angles and land on the note.
Notice how using a touch of side speeds up the ball off the cushions play the shot accordingly get it right then use the cash to treat yourself - think about the game like chess - enjoy trying to gain the upper hand in a safety battle and enjoy reaping the rewards as much as you would in potting a great shot.
Practice rolling up behind a ball by hitting with top or dragging with bottom which do you prefer?
Don't be the one who goes for everything regardless - be prepared to work your way in patience is often a virtue many seldom have in snooker.
Of course be aware of the standard of player you are against as well as your own capabilities. I have proudly out fought and therefore out played many a better potter than me and have done it often too - Try pick out the shot selections of some pro players watch how they do it with their shot selections. I gained a lot in the safety department by watching some of the lesser ranked players actually.
Many people slate some of these guys but players like Alan Mcmanus, Marco Fu, Rod lawler, Chris Small, Dave Harold, Peter Ebdon, Antony Hamilton, Steve Davis and quite a few others have won things and stayed around and more importantly stayed consistent in the game to a certain extent by having a more superior mindset and shot selection and safety game than the other guy and call me sad but I find this just as intriguing to see in the same respect as the out and out potters and break builders in the game and you can gain a lot watching how they do it.
Some players seem to have it all and the likes of Robertson Selby Ding and Ronnie O Sullivan in particular seem to but for me John Higgins is the one who masters the all around game mixing potting position safety and shot selection to master consistency and mindset and is probably the most complete player though Ronnie and perhaps Robertson and Selby seem as composed and adaptable as anything now too.
Trick at our level to getting better is not to get beaten before you start and wait for the good chances to shine yourself. If you play the right shots and stay patient they will come and the good thing is you can gain confidence quickly if you do not feel right during a frame rather than beating yourself up when you miss or play too slack which is a sure fire way to frustrate yourself.
Also unfortunately for many club players like us different tables and balls cushions play differently so it is harder to get this right every time unlike the pro circuit where the conditions are very quick and more consistent so I would say approximate is actually fine too-if it goes wrong chances are the other chap wont clear up in one visit anyway so you will get more chances - another sure fire way to complacent play though. You got to learn to adapt but casual or slack play is not ok as you already know! if you want to improve this area of your game then work on concentration treat each shot with the same constant approach and keep to a rhythm of play - the old adage is correct because you do get out what you put in.Last edited by Byrom; 26 October 2013, 12:34 PM.
Good post. It is also worth thinking about playing a shot where you do have more margin for error. For example, if there are 3 possible options on one side of the black ball and only one on the other side of the table, it is better to go for the multiple option side. This way if you do roll a bit too far (or not enough) you still have some possible options. Try to put the ball where you want it rather than just over that side but if things don't go to plan you can continue your break.My favourite players: Walter Lindrum (AUS), Neil Robertson (AUS), Eddie Charlton (AUS), Robby Foldvari (AUS), Vinnie Calabrese (AUS), Jimmy White, Stephen Hendry, Alex Higgins, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Dominic Dale and Barry Hawkins.
I dream of a 147 (but would be happy with a 100)
An excellent post Byrom which has given me much to think about. I'm still at the learning potting angles and trying to get my cue to deliver straight stage but I do get to play a few of the much better players in my club and it's a education. There is this one older guy who's quite good and only plays a shot if he's confident to get a decent break otherwise he plays a very tight safety. I've only ever beaten him once but I play him as often as I can as I learn so much from watching his shot selection and his safety play.
As a consequence my safety play has improved quite a bit although I'm still rubbish at laying snookers.
Yes I have seen the video you mean - perhaps though this is a question for a different thread or for the man himself and I do not think I want to get into that one buddy - Just to say I hope I am enjoying the game when I am his age - good luck to him.