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Stun run through

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  • Stun run through

    Yesterday evening I tried some cross lineup practise. Although I scored some good breaks, I still think I don't play enough of stun run through shots, or stun screws. I began to use it occasionally, but no real confidence with it yet. It is very hard to judge properly.

    On some shots, one could play either stun run through or slow roll the ball. From what I could see on TV, pro players definitely prefer stun run through, especially while positioning around the pink spot, using middle pocket...etc.
    It is a massive advantage being able to use stun run through well. No need to worry about nap, funny table rolls...less chance of a kick too.

    I came to conclusion that it is virtually impossible to play higher level snooker without mastering stun run through. What's your take on this?

  • #2
    I agree you need to learn the stun shot properly to play snooker to a high standard - not just the stun run or hard stuns but plain ball stuns and soft screw shots too - also the more delicate well timed stun shots/soft screw and stun run through shots are very important to learn.

    The majority of shots I play are all stun up and down centre ball to judge position - its nice when you time it well - helps get me in a rhythm. The stun run - which is just the same shot as a stun shot played above center white - is a good shot to learn because the percentages of potting is higher for the reason you mentioned and I find I can ingrain it into my timing of the shot easier than I can just rolling it in therefore I can keep the cueing more consistent and more positive - you do still get kicks but the ball does not throw off line as much as it would if you rolled it in as you quite rightly mentioned and additionally for me - might just be me - but I do find my confidence on a break builds up particularly when I hear the ball smack across the back of the leather in the pocket.

    I use the cross of reds around the pink routine to practice these types of shots - just playing red pink red pink with soft stuns - soft screw and soft stun runs only to keep close control of the white.

    In a game you still use other shots and float the ball in too - particularly when you have not got the whole of the pocket to play with and you need to give the ball every chance to drop using the correct pace - but for me this stun shot is a very useful and important shot to learn indeed and a major part of the game - rarely talked about on here.
    Last edited by Byrom; 7 January 2014, 10:28 PM.


    • #3
      I now play the SRT quite a bit now. It encourages a cleaner hit and the much better shot to play under pressure. Under pressure with a dead weight roll shot can promote poor cueing ( not straight ) and rubbish follow through. Also, when you hit a nice SRT under pressure it creates confidence and hides your pressure from your opponent. In actual fact if you have a player against you that hits these rather than a roll it normally tells you his of decent standard.
      JP Majestic
      9.5mm Elk


      • #4
        There is no doubt in my mind a player needs a full menu of all the various stun shots but especially stun run-through and soft screw shots not only for accuracy but also to keep closer control of the white.

        Stun run-through is used by almost all of the pros when they have a straight or near-straight pot around the black and pink area of the table and it allows close control even on those faster cloths.

        Terry Davidson
        IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


        • #5
          Not a single soul around me plays stun run through. Ever. Most of the players will slow roll balls whenever possible, even from 3 metres distance. It is so sad to watch. Wish I had players to look up to. But no, it's forums, youtube and dvd's again...


          • #6
            Stun run through

            i dont see many players play the drag shot either, but i use it and find it very useful


            • #7
              Originally Posted by rightoncue89 View Post
              i dont see many players play the drag shot either, but i use it and find it very useful
              Now there is a shot I have actually allways struggled with especially at distance - any advice anyone can give me is appreciated.


              • #8
                Stun run through

                it is a shot that needs practice, and i suppose you have to be confident playing the shot, if you over hit it you will stop the white dead or screw back.
                underhit it and you will get no pace into the ob.
                i use it alot from distance to hold on the black from a long red.

                just experiment with it and see what results you can get


                • #9
                  Stun run through

                  somebody feel free to correct me if this isnt actually correct! but you are basically playing a screw shot at a pace where the cloth will take the spin and reverse it so by the time you make contact with the ob the white runs through instead of screwing back.

                  if you think of the shot that way then really all you need to do is judge the pace you play the shot at


                  • #10
                    I played a few today during practise. It's quite a hard shot to get right. You have be very precise where you hit the white and the pace you play the shot. It felt great when I got it right though.

                    I'm definitely going to incorporate it into my practise routine.


                    • #11
                      I find drag shot easier to judge than stun run through. Use it more often. It goes horribly wrong only if you put accidental side. Drag with deliberate side (if required) can be a thing of beauty if executed properly.


                      • #12
                        An Old Terry Griffiths coaching book suggested that 70% of shots are STR


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by rightoncue89 View Post
                          i dont see many players play the drag shot either, but i use it and find it very useful
                          The lad that plays number one in our billiards team has the best drag shot you could wish to see, uses it a lot to keep the white down by the black spot when playing from hand.
                          This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                            There is no doubt in my mind a player needs a full menu of all the various stun shots but especially stun run-through and soft screw shots not only for accuracy but also to keep closer control of the white.

                            Stun run-through is used by almost all of the pros when they have a straight or near-straight pot around the black and pink area of the table and it allows close control even on those faster cloths.

                            As you know Terry I have been working hard on my line up and using stun and soft screws on almost every shot. These shots are a must but then I play a match tonight against my son tonight and I was right back to my old tricks. Playing almost everything with top spin and my cue ball was all over the place. Back to my table tomorrow for more practice.
                            " Practice to improve not just to waste time "
                            " 43 Match - 52 Practice - 13 Reds in Line Up "


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by lesedwards View Post
                              As you know Terry I have been working hard on my line up and using stun and soft screws on almost every shot. These shots are a must but then I play a match tonight against my son tonight and I was right back to my old tricks. Playing almost everything with top spin and my cue ball was all over the place. Back to my table tomorrow for more practice.
                              Sounds more like a discipline and focus issue.

